Making my way back to you

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Hello everyone I hope you enjoy this one shot it took a while to write, authors note at the bottom.

Lena sat on the sofa curled up as she nursed the soft fabric of the baby blanket under her fingers as tears pored down her face . She glanced over the big box filled with tiny items of clothes ranging from hats and shoes to shirts and pants , a few dummies and bottles also littered the box .

Lena sat there thinking about the life she could've been living now if things didn't turn out so badly. She remembers the day she first found out she was pregnant she was frilled despite only being a teenager it gave her some purpose in the world gave her something to focus on . Lena was completely broken , after going through an immense amount of pain to give birth she finds out that her baby girl was dead and gone from her life before she got to start one with her .

It was 10 pm , the air was cold and silent , the night oddly quite for a Friday night . A teenage Lena was getting ready for bed , she sat on the toilet pulling her pants and underwear down until she realised her underwear was soaking wet . Lena brushed it aside , she was used to wetting herself since she got pregnant it was nothing but a regular occurrence so didn't spike any concern for her , plus she was only six mouths pregnant she had three more months till the baby was due .

Lena had finished getting changed in her nightwear , which consisted of a pair of underwear and an oversized jumper that now just covered her bum , and she headed to bed , putting her phone on change and pulling the covers back before slipping right in. Lena sighed as she slipped under the duvet lying on her back exhausted from her day at school, she was meant to take time off by now but she refused needing to study and get her qualifications so she could get a new job and support her baby girl .

In the middle of the night Lena had awoken to a massive pain in her stomach which was worse than anything she had experienced even worse than  her horrible period pains she got before she was pregnant. It took all of Lena's energy not to scream out in pain and wake the house hold up , it felt like her body was ripping up inside and she couldn't bare it . She tossed and turned , she squeezed the bed sheets so tight under her fights she even tried screaming into a pillow anything to help or distract her from the pain. Eventually her stomach had stopped hurting and she practically collapsed on to the bed panting it wasn't until she got her second contraction that she realised that she was in labor . She remembered hobbling over to her parents room slamming on the light as she tried to battle through the pain.

"G-Et up" Lena practically shouted through gritted teeth trying to stop her self from screaming out in pain. Her parents sat up confused until they saw sweat poring down Lena's face as she bent over clutching her stomach while panting, and they got the message.

Her farther got her hospital bag and went to prepare the car while Lillian held Lena's hand helping her through the pain , being more of a mother then , than she had ever been throughout her childhood. Her father came back and her parents helped her to the car.

The car drive was about 15 minutes but it felt more like a life time, throughout the journey she was either screaming in pain not being able to control herself anymore or throughout her short breaks between contractions she was stressing about the baby being three months early, worrying about its health.

Lena didn't even remember being helped out of the car and brought into the hospital, she didn't remember being forced sit in a wheelchair as she was taken to her room, she didn't remember being lifted on to the hospital bed her mind to full of pain and panic .

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