Kidnapped together part 1

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It was a Friday night and Kara and Alex were walking down the street towards Alex's apartment. Kara's 20 and was sleeping round her sisters for sisters night.

(Kara graduated early from college and is supergirl, she's also Cat's assistant)

"So hows work been" Alex asked her sister trying to spark a conversation to make the trip back to her apartment more enjoyable.

"Aghhh as infuriating as usual, that women is terrifyingly mean , I'm surprised she hasn't given me nightmares, but I'm glad she hasn't all I hear ALL day is Kiera get me my late , Kiera where's my salad , Kiera why are you taken so long , if I hear Kiera one more time today I will literally throw a truck " Kara ranted to her sister

"Well that's work for you " Alex laughed at Kara's rant , Kara had finally awoken to the real world.

"No , that's what working with Miss Grant is like I refuse to believe that's what all jobs are like, I can't " Kara stated with a pout to which , Alex playfully rolled her eyes to.

"Okay" Alex chuckled .

"Enough about me , Alex how's the DEO been I haven't been there in a few days crimes been pretty low in National City for the past week " Kara asked curiously.

"The DEO has been alright apart from John seeing how as you said the city's been pretty quiet he's been forcing me to train with him and it's been so tiring " Alex put her hand on her head and acted worn out being dramatic, Kara laughed and rolled her eyes like Alex had done previously, the two sisters really rubbed off on each other.

They both talked and laughed lots more as they slowly made there way back to Alex's apartment.

They were walking past an alley way when they both felt a sharp pain at the back of their neck.

"Alex " Kara spoke out terrified as her vision began to blur over she vaguely remembered this happening to her when she arrived on earth and had gotten kidnapped and that worried Kara .Kara got no reply from her sister in the corner of her eye she could see a figure fall to the ground , before she got a chance to react her legs gave way and everything turned black.

Kara's eyes fluttered open the sedative wearing off . Kara's eyes were met with darkness , the only light source was a strange glow that came from the ceiling. Kara admired the light for a second to disoriented to understand what was going on around her . She laid there for a while completely oblivious of her situation , as she watched how the light interacted with the dark void it was held in .

Wait her brain clicked why was it dark , Kara usually slept with the light on , she was scared of the dark and no way in hell did Kara have a green lamp it reminded her to much of kryptonite especially after nighttimes . Maybe Alex had gotten a green light , but no of course not , she wouldn't,  she had lived with her for many years to know of her fears and life style, she wouldn't do anything to scare her so , plus there was no green lap last week. So where was she and what was this green glow coming from.

Kara sat up hastily as pain shot through her head , that doesn't usually happen she's kryptonian headaches are nearly impossible unless, kryptonite, Kara thought as she looked at the green glow again.

Kara brushed her thoughts to the side as she sat up ignoring the pain and took in her soundings , everywhere she looked was darkness apart from the strange glow above her , Kara looked around her body she couldn't see anyone around her although it was a bit difficult with the low levels of light . She brought her hands to the ground feeling around her for anyone anything only to be met with the walls of the room. Kara's heart began to pump at an inhuman pace , she was alone , another one of her fears . Kara couldn't help but feel terrified when she found herself to be alone or surrounded in a black void of nothingness , let alone , being alone in the dark that was a whole different level of scary in fact Kara couldn't think of anything worse,  well apart from being alone in the dark with kryptonite she thought.

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