Making it up to you

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In a park just outside of the center of national city a little girl sits on a beach legs pressed to her small frame as she rocks back forth crying. Her long dark brown hair hangs over her face as she stares at  the bench with green tearful eyes .

Lillian hears the girls cries as she walks down the path near the beach she accompanied and Lillian feels her heart sink . Usually Lillian wouldn't care about a pathetic child's emotions and would walk straight past without batting an eyelid but since she came out of prison she had a change of heart and was trying to be a better person .

As she reached the bench the young girl was curled up on , she sits down slowly making her presence known.

"Hello " Lillian greets softly as she placed her hand on the girls leg comfortingly. The girl jumps slightly startled by the new presence.

"Hey I'm not going to hurt you it's ok " Lillian reassured the upset child .

The girl slowly lifted her head up and looked Lillian in the eye with hesitation when she saw concern and kindness written all over her expression she knew she could trust her.

As the girl looked up Lillian took in her appearance. Her skin was very pale almost resembling a vampire, her dark brown hair was fairly long and straight and in a tight neat ponytail. Her eyes despite being puffy and full of tears were a beautiful green that twinkled in a unique way the only person she knew with similar eyes was her daughter Lena. As Lillian looked down she saw the girl was wearing a small pencil skirt and a formal shirt something a business woman would wear not a child. Lillian continued to look at the girl trying to find what to say the longer she looked the more familiar she looked and for a moment she thought she sitting next Lena .

Lillian shrugged that thought away it was a scared girl not Lena and she was clearly upset.

"Hey I want to help sweetheart what's your name, mines Lillian" she asks the girl softly given her a small smile.

"Err Lena " the girl chokes out quietly

What a coincidence Lillian thought as she heard the girls name .

"That a beautiful name Lena " Lillian complimented .

"Thank you " Lena said with a shy smile.

"Lena how old are you, where are you parents" Lillian asked softly.

Lena's face fell when she asked the last question "I-I'm 4" Lena stuttered out before taking a big pause.

"M-my" Lena could't take it anymore and she burst out crying . Lillian's heart dropped.

"Hey Lena shh what's wrong it's ok " Lillian said trying to calm her down . She rubbed her back and patiently waited for Lena to speak .

"M-my mummy s-she's g-g-one " Lena cried out and Lillian felt so bad for the kid the poor thing lost her mother,she pulled her into an embrace.

"Shh Shh I understand that's so horrible " Lillian cooed tightening her grip on the 4 year old not really knowing what to say .

They stayed like for a while until Lena had calmed down a bit .

"Hey sweetie I know this is a lot to ask but how, how did she die" Lillian asked softly hoping the 4 year old would tell her .

Lena sniffled as she tried to remember what had happened .

" we were at the beach and she was in the W-water and then she was g-one she disappeared into the water a-and she didn't come b-back up I-Err I saw these men going into the Err water and they came back with my mom I - I s-she d-fit wake up" Lena cried a little at the memory .

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