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Before we start this there is a few things you need to know before reading. I was sent a request which was a little different to what I'm used to so I decided to incorporate some of the plot of the show. This is based / set at the beginning of season 3 where Kara struggles with the loss of Mon-El however I made a few changes. Cat grant never left CATCO and Kara never became a reporter and is still Cat Grants assistant. I could sit here and tell you the whole plot of the one shot but I'll guess you'll have to read to find out what it's about .

It was the start of October and Halloween was growing closer. Kara had been working for Cat for nearly 5 years now and she wanted to reward her for the hard work she had done for all those years. Although they weren't close cat cared for Kara and considered her as a friend so she invited her to a Halloween gala she was attending.

"Kara" cat called from her office over the years she had stopped calling her Keira as her respect for the heroine grew especially after she had learnt her secret identity. She had promised not to tell anyone obviously and after kara explained how important her job was to her cat decided not to fire her.

Kara walked into her office " yes miss grant " she asked with a smile .

" well you've been working for me for nearly 5 years now and there is this Halloween gala next week I was wondering if you wanted to come"

"Wait what you mean the famous annul national city Halloween gala"

"Yes Kara I do" cat stated frankly

"Omg I would love to go ". Kara beemed although she was going through so much pain she couldn't help but feel excited about the invit ever since she moved to national city she had always dreamed of going to the famous gala and plus if she went it would distract her to the painful reality of her life that she was currently going through .

"Okay so it's 7:30 next Friday I'll give them your name and they will let you in it's at the National city town hall "

"Erm yeah thank you so much" Kara smiled before exiting the office.

It was Friday the night of the gala and Kara was getting ready for the event.
The dress code was quite formal and dressy rather than a costume party as it was considered as a party for rich people.

Kara had settled on a nice black dress that was cut off around the stomach area giving the dress a two piece illusion .

(Something like this)

Kara didn't think much of what she was wearing it was something she would normally wear to an occasion like the one she was attending and she was wearing what she normally would the past few weeks

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Kara didn't think much of what she was wearing it was something she would normally wear to an occasion like the one she was attending and she was wearing what she normally would the past few weeks.

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