You can always count on family

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Hello everyone before we start I just wanted to say that I've been really struggling to write and get a routine together . I've had an exceptionally hard time writing this one shot as I have a big head and end up writing so much with lots of plot that it ends up being completely different to what it was originally meant to be . I've been pondering what to post this week as I haven't been motivated , this was meant to be finished last week. There is going to be 2 one shots following this storyline as I wanted to give you all something worth reading and I ended up adding so much plot to the one shot to begin with that I wasn't going to get it finished in time for Sunday , I was going to do two half's but I decided against it as I felt the first half wasn't really worth reading . Anyway this one shot is essentially the beginning of the one shot but hasn't got as much plot and ends with just a cute family scene and the second one will have the exact same first half with like a few added scenes and then has a new second half this one shot will follow Kara and her struggles of being supergirl and explores how tuff she is on herself. That one-shot will be out soon depending on when I can finish writing it . Thank you for understanding I hope you enjoy.

Aghhh! Kara screamed as she shot at each alien from the sky with her heat vision. A storm of aliens decided to attack the city and no one was available for backup so Kara had to take them on by herself , which was proving to be more challenging than she thought. The aliens were pathetically weak in comparison to her but at the sheer number of them that stormed the city, her power was draining quickly.

Doubt started to cloud Kara's mind when she started to feel tired within 10 minutes of the fight . How was she supposed to take the just under 100 army of aliens down if she had already lost a lot of her strength to the 50 she had already defeated , that was only a third of them.

Kara was scared about the outcome of this fight and started to panic until she remembered the people of the city and how they were routing for her , relying on her to rid the city of evil and that filled her with courage and determination once again.

Kara had to hurt them all and she was willing to do that to her last breath , so she kept going. She burned clusters of aliens with her heat vision hurting groups at a time .

Kara hadn't even been fighting them that long when she started feeling tired but she was determined to win this battle and protect her city so she powered through the pain and tiredness , hurting and defeating as many aliens as she could. She had managed to get down to 5 aliens until she collapsed and fell to the ground.

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