Lena Knows Part 2

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Recap :Her mouth hung open as she saw the face of her friend. How could Lena do this to her. Panic rose through her body as she looked at her unconscious friend but what alarmed her more was the fact that she was wearing her glasses . How could Lena hurt her unless she knew she was supergirl?

She quickly rushed to the door trying to open it but to her luck it was looked.

She couldn't just leave her friend here god she couldn't stay here she couldn't begin to imagine the amount of horrible things that could happen to them but she had no way out . She sat down and started to think.

Nia's heart pounded in her chest like a hammer crashing ageist a bass drum , as she sat there with her hands cradling her head as she thought of what to do. She had no first aid training so she couldn't look over Kara although she was certain that her friend was breathing as her chest kept on rising and falling when she gazed her eyes upon her . Her mind kept filling with worried negative thoughts expecting the worse so her thought process was slowed down which ultimately caused more panic.

Nia sighed leaning back against the wall as she removed her hands from her head and slapped them ageist her thighs . She felt defeated but she couldn't give up ,there had to be a solution, a way out .

She subconsciously rubbed her hands across her thighs in an attempt to calm the rising nerves she was feeling until she came across an object that was hidden in her pockets . Confused and hopefully she reached her hand into the fairly deep pocket that rested just to the side of her hip and picked up the unknown object withdrawing it from the fabric.

As her eyes glanced among the object waterfalls of hope gushed through her body along with a hint of embarrassment for not realising she had her phone on her sooner. She picked up the phone immediately falling into action she examined her contacts and clicked on Alex's name knowing full-well that the blonde heroine's sister would know what to do being a badass director with amazing combat and a medical degree. Within 3 painful rings Alex picked up the phone pleased to hear from a friend and wanting to be distracted from the stack of papers she had to sign in front of her.

Nia sighed with relief when the aurban haired girl spoke on the over side of the phone.


"Hey Alex ,emm Kara's in trouble I don't know what happened but she's passed out and it has something to do with Lena I don't know what to do the doors looked and I don't have any medical experience I-I just know that's she's breathing , what do I do ." nia panicked .

"Right em okay stay calm can you lean down next to Kara checking if its safe on your way "


"Right you need to lift her head up so she doesn't chock on her tung , place one hand on the back of her head and with the other hand place your fingers under her chin and lift her head upwards " Alex informed going over the step to step process when someone losses consciousness.

Nia did as instructed she put the phone on speaker and placed it besides her before turning back to Kara . She placed her hand above her head with one hand and with the other hand she placed her fingers underneath her chin and lifted her head just as Alex told her .

"Alex What's next " nia asked frantically

"Place your ear ageist her chest and listen for any breathing look down at her chest while you do this I know you said she was breathing but I need to know the rate her breathing could be strangled and broken "

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