Nightmares and sickness (supercourp)

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Boom! Erupted the atmosphere as the small ball of inhabitants blow up in flams causing a cacophony of sound. An inferno  scattered across the planet growing and attacking anything in its path . Screams echoed about as a myriad of people ran around in circles desperately trying to escape this nightmare of a reality. The cries formed together unnaturally causing a painful dissonance imitating a horror movie. The cries amplified in sound minute by minute defending the small blonde , until a legion of flames swooped towards them and the sound died down getting swallowed and drowned by the burning beast along with their bodies.

Kara cried as she watched her loved ones be swallowed by her own planet, her heart ached with pain as she watched her second family die right in front of her along with her mother in which she only recently discovered was still alive. The loss of her planet the first time was hard enough but now watching her new home die they way her birth planet did was even more unbearable the place that she finally felt home on was taken from her just like krypton was when she was a child.

Kara watched in shock she couldn't take her eyes of the now orange ball  despite the pain it brought she couldn't compel herself to peal her eyes away from where her family once stood . However regardless of wanting to stay to be with the destruction of another planet wanting to die with it , the pod that she was trapped with had other thoughts as it drove her further and further away until it was out of sight and a fait Orange glow glistened in the distance.

"NOOO" Kara cried as she sat up right in bed , beads of sweat poring down her face .

The room was dark and for a moment Kara thought her dream came true the black void reminding her of space.

She took deep long breaths as she realised where she was and felt relief fill her body. She grabbed her phone from the table beside her bed and checked the time wanting to be distracted.

It was 3am and Kara couldn't find the courage to go back to sleep again terrified of waking up back in the nightmare she just escaped so she changed into her supergirl suit and went for a flight around the city checking everything was in place and making sure no one was in danger. By the time she made her way through the window into her apartment it was already time to get ready for work so she got dressed and left .

This unhealthy routine continued for two weeks and Kara hadn't gotten a single once of sleep since that traumatic nightmare she had experienced, Kara was terrified it would replay in her mind again she couldn't risk that happening so she focused on her work and helped everyone that needed her as supergirl to prevent herself from falling asleep.

By the 14th day Kara had used up all her energy and crashed to the floor of her apartment only just making it through the window after another long night watch.

Kara sighed she lost her powers which made her life more difficult than it already was . When she was human she barley had an immune system and managed to catch every germ she came in contact with which would make  not sleeping a more challenging task .

She stood up slowly feeling her the weaknesses pool around her body each limb ached as she moved across the room to her closet . She picked out whatever outfit screamed at her first and through it on and placed her glasses onto her face not caring what she looked like before leaving and heading for the bus stop .

By the time Kara made her way to CATCO she was already sneezing and coughing which despite being irritating she was quite used to dealing with it from previous times when she solar flared .

She entered the building and made her way to the elevator erupting in a small coughing fit while waiting for the doors to open.

As she arrived at her floor she put her head down and made her way straight to her desk not wanting to come into contact with anyone and also wanting to avoid James as she was sure he would push her to go home. She got her laptop out from her bag and started working on her next article.

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