Chapter 9

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Momoko's POV
OMG BRICK KISSED ME! For real! Am I dreaming this cannot be happening, i mean it felt awesome but kissing the enemy, it's never happened before, well it has in most of the mangas I've read but this is real life how does it apply here........

Who am I kidding, I've had a crush on him since we were five,I kept convincing mysel that I don't like him because his a villain and yet I still have feelings for him, sometimes I wish I had a normal life.

Kaoru's POV
What's wrong with Momoko,well whatever it is she better snap out of it because we have a crime alert.

"Momoko!" I scream, "snap out of it"
"What do you want Kaoru"?"
" I want my friend Momoko back and you're not making things easy"
"Look Kaoru,just leave me alone "
" I can't and I won't because we have a crime alert"
Suddenly she jumped up from where she sat.
" How long has it been going on?!"
There's the Momoko I know.😀😁
"About ten minutes,so far"
"Good,what's the situation"
"Rowdy Ruffs. Their attacking the kids at the park" Miyako said with an air of toughness to her. Cool.
" Great let's go!"


We reached the park, but there was no sign of the rowdy ruffs,I have a weird feeling about this. I didn't have time to think about a strategy when Bubbles was hit by a lightening bolt,and it came from none other than Boomer. Surprisingly Bubbles didn't cry like she would have normally done rather she attacked more ferociously with her water slashes (don't ask).
I took Butch, Blossom took Brick and Bubbles took Boomer.


Butch tried to attack me with his earthquake move but luckily I was able to escape his attack unharmed, I  countered with an assault of my own.
"Hail cyclone", I yelled
Butch was caught in my attack I was just about to check on the others when something heavy hot me, I could feel myself getting lightheaded,and then everything went black.

Bubbles POV
"Buttercup, Buttercup!" I yelled. I couldn't find her anywhere and I was still preoccupied with fighting Boomer I had to find Buttercup what could I possibly do?

Hey guys that's another chapter done so keep checking for more of my updated, don't forget to vote and comment.

Peace and love- Maria Estella

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