Chapter 4

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Third person POV
The next day was school for the girls, things went on as usual for them. Momoko had chemistry with Haru who was her lab partner, Miyako had art with Hikaru, and Kaoru had P.E with Jay which she didn't enjoy one bit.

Kaoru's POV
Today we were gonna play basketball which of course was one of those girls vs boys kind of thing and there is no way I'm gonna lose because I'm an ace in basketball,plus I'm also the captain,the boys don't stand a chance.
"Ok this is just a friendly match between the boys and the girls the captain of the boys team is Jay while the captain of the girls team is Kaoru!" The teacher announced.
" Just great,but on the bright side there is a 50% chance that Jay might not be good at basketball. Heck I'm very confident that I'll win" I thought. Soon the whistle was blown and the game started I had the ball and I intended to score without letting anyone else get near the ball or the net, I was about to score when Jay blocked my path, why made me angry, he had really fast reflexes which made it even harder to get passed him. I hear one of my teammates telling me to pass her the ball but I refuse, soon enough I see Jay running towards my team's net I was wondering why because I was oddly confused when I realized that I didn't have the ball anymore which made my blood boil,I try my best to.block.him but he just scored a 3-pointer instead given his team the edge,his teammates cheered him on, while the girls sitting in the bleachers just screamed with excitement. After about half an hour gone by the boys had won again.
"Good game" Jay's says as he walks up to me.
"You just got lucky, I can beat you in my sleep"
"Oh yeah?"
"You know what, I want a rematch after school"
" Ok,but how about a little wager?"
" W-what do you mean?"
" Well if I win you'll have to go out with me tommorow"
" Hmm,well if I win you'll have to leave me alone."
" Ok but I doubt it"
At that I just glared at him which made him chuckle
"What's so funny"?"
" You, obviously"
" How am i funny?" I asked a bit annoyed
"Well you look cute when your angry"
"I hate you" I blushed and looked away
"Aww, I love you too"
"Get a life"
"I already have one with you"
"You need serious medical help"
" Well, If I do then your the cure"
Why does he have to be like that, but I can't shake of the feeling that I know him from somewhere but as to where I know.him from I'm totally clueless.

Miyako's POV
In art class I sat next to Boomer which kinda brought butterflies to my tummy
"Ok class,today you are going to draw a portrait of the person sitting next to you"the teacher announced
I blushed at the thought of Hikaru drawing me and me drawing him, I was brought out of my thoughts when the teacher said we could start so I brought out my sketch pad and began to draw Hikaru making sure I got all his features right I glanced at him to get a better look of his face when my light blue eyes met his dark blue ones we were staring at each other for a really long time until I guess we both realized that we still had to finish our portraits. After a few more minutes I was finally done with my drawing I work have shown Hikaru but the teacher said not to show our portraits to the person we had drawn.

Hikaru's POV
In art class we were asked to draw a portrait of the person sitting next to us and luckily for me I was sitting next to Miyako. While I was drawing I decided to take a look at Miyako to look at her facial features to be able to.make.her portrait look good and when I raised my head up we were staring at each other, I was staring into her beautiful light blue eyes while she stared into my dark blue ones, I never realized how pretty she was until I realized that I had to finish my drawing and I think she thought the same too because we stopped staring at each other and continued with our portraits after a few minutes gone by, I was done with my drawing and if you asked me it looked just like her.

In Chemistry (Momoko's POV)
I had chemistry and Haru was my lab partner we.were mixing some chemicals together,when........
I had somehow put in the wrong chemical causing the mixture to explode leaving his face blackened
"Oh I'm so,so sorry" I said trying really hard not to laugh,so I decided to clean his face up when I realized how close our faces were leaving me with a light shade of pink on my face, I knew because I felt my face heat up so right now we were just staring at each other, speechless until the teacher came over to ask what had happened. Time really flew by after that event the bell had rung signalling the end of the school day.

Third person POV
"Hey Kaoru, why are we staying back again?" A certain orange haired girl asked.
" Because I have a rematch with Jay" Kaoru replied
"And how did that happen?"
"Because his team won a basketball game against my team and now I want a rematch" she replied looking around for Jay until she spotted him
"This should be good" Momoko mumbled under her breath.
After about fifteen minutes Jay had win leaving Kaoru, who had now fallen to her knees, confused.
"How could I have lost?" She asked not wanting to admit that Jay was better than her.
"See you tommorow night then,and make.sure you wear something nice okay?"
" Argh" Kaoru mumbled as she walked to the professor's house with Miyako and Momoko.

Author's note:so how did you like this chapter, I really hoped it was ok, any way don't forget to vote and comment please.
Peace and love- Maria Estella

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