Chapter 8

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So how did you like the cliffhanger. If you didn't, this chapter is my apology.

Still Momoko's POV
I feel pretty bad for screaming at Haru. Right now I just couldn't wrap my head around this, so I decided to go to the woods because it's a secluded spot and it's peaceful. I walked to my favorite spot in the woods, which was the lake. I sat by the bank and ran my fingers through the water, which always makes me feel calm. I sat there for about half an hour until I noticed something odd, it was Brick, I quickly hid behind a tree and saw him transform back into Haru, I wasn't surprised because I had my suspicions and all I needed was proof but now it doesn't matter to me, anymore. I guess he was still fazed about what happened because he was kicking the tree which was a bit closer to the one I hid behind,I had to do something but what?

I slowly stepped out from behind the tree.
"Momoko,what do you want?!"
"Nothing I just wanted to say sorry for screaming at you the way I did earlier at school"
" Yeah, right"
" I'm really sorry Brick"
" How did you...........
"It was sort of obvious,all I needed to do was to put two and two together"
" Great so the jig is up"
" What jig?"
" We'll you figured out what I was Brick,right?"
" Right?"
" But it doesn't mean I don't know who you are"
" What the heck are you talking about",I said shivering
" So the great leader of the power puff girls is quaking in her boots,I expected more from you Blossom"
" How did you know?"
" Since the first day I saw you there was just something odd about you and your friends,plus during gym I saw your power belt"
" Oh really,well how come no one recognizes you and your brothers?"
" Your not the only one who needs power belts too you know, but I thought you already had that part figured out when you saw me transform while hiding behind that tree?"
" Well yes but....
"Look Bloss I'm not here to fight, and I'm not mad at you either I just wanted to clear my head,to get away from everything"
" Really?"
" Of course and now that your here I just wanted to apologise for all the hurt I've caused you and your friends"
" Look Brick I know you're sorry and I really,really want to and believe me when I say that I really want to but somehow I can't    I just cant, we're on two different sides good and evil so I sort of can't believe what you are saying I hope you can for..........
I was interupted by the gentle touch of Bricks lips on mine I couldn't comprehend it so I just melted into the kiss feeling a spark of electricity between us but as usual humans need oxygen so we stopped making out and just blushed at each other and then he flew away.

So there you have it another chapter completed so I hope you like it also I want you to comment more I've seen a comment but I need more to know want you think so please comment.
Peace and love- Maria Estella

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