Chapter 7

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Third Person POV
"DATE!!!!!!!" Kaoru and Miyako screamed at the same time.
"Yes, Zain asked me out yesterday and I said yes"Momoko said," plus he was super sweet",she said dreamingly with hearts in her eyes.😍😍😍
"So how did that happen", Kaoru asked

School was over and Momoko, Kaoru and Miyako were heading out when Zain(the cutest,most popular kid in school) asked Momoko if he could talk to her in private.
"Um,hey Momoko could I talk to you in private"?" Zain asked
" Yeah,sure"
"Momoko,are you coming?"Asked Kaoru and Miyako
"No, I'll meet you guys at the Cafe"
"Oh,ok then see you later",they replied
" So what did you want to talk to me about"
" We'll,I was wandering if you would go out with me"
" OMG,I would love to"
" Great I'll see you Saturday night"
And with that the orange haired girl was off to the Cafe to meet up with Kaoru and Miyako.

Haru/Brick's POV
I was walking down the hallway, trying to pass the time because Butch had to stay back for some reason I do not know and Boomer definitely had to stay back for some after school activity,either that or he's probably helping a teacher do something. Sometimes I wish that Boomer wasn't so nice but was evil like the rest of us even though at this point that word means nothing to me,maybe it's because of Momoko or a different reason but all I know is that I can't say I'm evil anymore. While walking down the hallway I heard some voices in an empty classroom,I had figured that maybe it would be Zain and his group because that always stay back after school so I decided to listen to their conversation.

From what I heard so far Zain is going out with Momoko just to make his girlfriend and his friends jealous of him,I have got to look for Momoko.


After what seemed like forever I finally found her.
"Blo-Momoko!" I said out of breath
"What Haru?"
"are you going on a date with Zain on Saturday night?"
" Yes,why,are you stalking me?"
" What,heck no!"
" Then how do you know about the date"
" I overheard them talking about it".
" So your not only a stalker but an eves dropper"
" No,I just overheard ok,but please don't go on the date Zain's just using you"
" No he's not,he likes me and I like him,so bud out!!" She screamed at me before she turned around to leave
"No I won't,I really care about you Momoko",I said while grabbing her hand
"Just stay away from me Haru!" And with that she left.
Trying to convince her was going to be harder than riding a bull.

Momoko's POV
I had already told the girls everything and now I'm in my room thinking about what Haru said. Was I wrong to scream at him?

So how are we looking the book so far. Please comment,vote and follow me.
Peace and Love- Maria Estella.

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