Chapter 2

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Sorry for the cliffhanger hope you like this chapter

Third person POV
"Miss us much?" Brick asked with an evil smirk. "If only you knew" Buttercup said as she attempted to launch an attack on Brick but was stopped by Butch who hit her with his fists that were now shielded with tons of rocks. Buttercup was now slammed in the ground.
"No!" Bubbles screamed as she tried to launch an attack of her own, two team mates were down and she was the only one left she had to do something,so she clenched onto her staff trying to figure out a plan,but before she could do anything Buttercup shot up into the air alongside Blossom and she looked really mad. She tried to attack Butch but failed.
"How did you get so strong?!"
"Sorry but that part stays a secret"
" Ugh!"
No matter how many times she tried she still failed,Blossom didn't have any luck either,she tried to attack Brick with her yo-yo but he just grabbed it and set it ablaze,they were trapped,cornered with nothing to do and Blossom's brain had gone blank,they were getting their butts kicked, seeing as the tables were turned they had to retreat.

Back at school
"We got our butts kicked out there" Kaoru said," why didn't you do something Miyako"
" There was nothing I could do,you know I'm not the best in combat so don't blame me!" Miyako replied
" Look there was nothing any of us could do, they got new abilities which made them stronger and faster"Momoko said calmly
" Your point is?"Kaoru asked
" They got an upgrade maybe we should also get one"she replied
"Yes,that's genius!"Kaoru exclaimed
"Hey girls"

Kaoru's POV
" Hey girls"
It was the boys what are they doing here, oh,their probably here about the whole tour thing,well this is gonna be a total snooze fest.

So we started with the tour and as I predicted it's boring.


Finally,lunch I'm so hungry. So we went to the cafeteria I got a burger with fries and a soda,Momoko got a strawberry shortcake with an orange soda while Miyako got a blueberry muffin with a Mango smoothie. While we were eating we got some unexpected company and it was none other than the Hayato brothers.
"Mind if we sit here" Haru asked
"Um,yes" I answered while glaring daggers at him
" Actually you can sit here if you want" Momoko replied with a sweet smile on her face,which made Haru blush a bit. So i, I mean we got stuck with the boys at lunch.

After lunch was P.E and today we were playing soccer,it was just a friendly match, you know, the whole girls versus boys game and I know for sure that I'm gonna win, because.there is no way I'm gonna let Jay show me up.

Third Person POV
The girls had a friendly game of soccer and after what seemed like forever 😅,the game was over and the boys had won 10 - 9. Even though Kaoru was pretty sure they were going to win.

Time Skip(after school)
The girls had were on their way home, they took the shortcut they always took when going home but today they didn't take the shortcut, rather  Momoko decided to get some sweets, Kaoru headed to the skate park,while Miyako just went to the park for a little stroll

To Miyako
Miyako went to the park for a nice little stroll,when she saw some kids playing together and the scene brought warmth to her heart. She sat on a nearby bench blowing bubbles when..........

Author's Note: Hi, how do you love the book so far,I'm sorry if updates are kind of slow I'll try to update more.
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Peace and love- Maria Estella

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