Chapter 1

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Momoko's POV
Oh no I say I'm gonna be late!,school starts in an hour and I'm not even ready yet given the time is actually 6:30am. I must have overslept and now I'm gonna be late this sucks😫

Time skip(at the school gates)
"Where are they" I exclaim softly to my self,Kaoru and Miyako are late I'd expect this from Kaoru but not from Miyako suddenly I feel a slight tap on my shoulder when I turn to see who it was Kaoru.
"What took you so long!" I exclaim
"I kinda overslept", Miyako replied
"And you?"
" I .......
"She stayed up all night playing video games"Miyako said interrupting Kaoru
" Anyway let's go in before we are late"


Third Person POV
"Ok class today we will be having three new students,come in boys!" Miss Keane
Next three boys walk into the class one with orange hair and red eyes(Brick),one with blonde hair and blue eyes(Boomer) and finally one with Raven black hair and green eyes(Butch)

Yo,I'm Haru Hayato the eldest"
" 'sup I'm Jay Hayato" at this half the girls screamed and giggled while Kaoru just rolled her eyes.
"Hi,um,I'm Hikaru Hayato the youngest."
"Ok boys you can take your seats beside Momoko,Miyako and Kaoru,the girls raise their hands to signify who they were


Kaoru's POV
Why does Jay have to sit next to me if it was someone else I wouldn't complain but Jay? there's something very familiar about him which I can't place my finger on it but there's one thing for sure I know him,but from where?


Momoko's POV
Those boys look oddly familiar,but I guess I'll just have to figure it out later but right now I have to focus on two things;1, honours math and 2,making sure Kaoru doesn't punch Jay in the face

Time skip(after math class)
After which class was over Miss Keane asked the girls and I to take the boys on a tour which I have to say I am not looking forward to it but being the person I am,I guess I could do it


Miyako's POV
The tour isn't even halfway done and Kaoru is already bored mostly because Jay keeps trying to flirt with her *slight chuckle*. Anyway Hikaru seems really nice though,as I look at him I see his cheeks are red wait is he blushing and I can feel my face getting hot so I guess I'm blushing to which he happens to notice so we just look away from each other. Not quite long our belts start to flash
"I'm boys could you please excuse us, the tour will have to take an adrupt end,we have to do something"Momoko says
And at that we went to the roof to transform
"Hyper Blossom"
"Rolling Bubbles"
"Powered Buttercup"
"The professor says that Mojo is at City Hall attacking with his robots"Blossom says
" Oh yeah,I'm loving this fight already"Buttercup exclaims, as for me I just hope we don't see the you know who there even though it's been some time since we saw them

Third person POV (At City Hall)
"Mojo put the the Mayor down or else" Blossom says
"Or  else what?"Mojo asks
" Ok we could do it the easy way or the hard way"Buttercup says
At this Mojo flings the Mayor across City Hall while Bubbles zooms in to catch him
"The hard way it is then" Buttercup says as she cracks her knuckles. Blossom launches an attack on Mojo's robot with her yoyo,distracting Mojo while buttercup launches the final attack
"Hammer strike!"
And Mojo is out of sight, when.............
"Ah!" Blossom screams as she's hit with a fire ball, Buttercup and Bubbles turn around to see who had shot the projectile but it was none other than the Rowdy Ruff Boys


Author's Note: I hope you guys liked the chapter I'll keep on updating as for those of you who read my book so far even though it's short thanks a million.
Peace and love- MariaEstella

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