Chapter 14

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Third person POV
"Did you do as I asked?" A shrill, cold voice asked from the shadows

"Yes master" Dexter replied

"Well then I can only say that I will send my plan into overdrive" he cackled


" What are we gonna do" bubbles asked

" Honestly I don't know" blossom replied

"That's rich" muttered buttercup under her breath

" What's that supposed to mean" blossom retarded

"Nothing, just saying"

"I thought the boys are supposed to have found us by now,I miss Boomie" bubbles whined

" Do you really trust those blockheads to find us?" Buttercup asked

" No but......." Bubbles trailed off

" You know what Buttercup we DO need the boys to find us because we can't do it by our selves " blossom said

" Unlike you at least I have a plan, what have you come up with!!!" buttercup replied

" Oh yeah then what is it!!?" Blossom yelled

" When they come to give us our food we say we have to keep take them out and then destroy Dexter"

" Ok"

Soon enough the guard came and the girls became free, except that he was still watching them as they approached the corridor

*Clapping* " well, well, well, what do we have here?" He asked

"  What do you want HIM?" Buttercup asked with disgust

" Well, I was thinking about taking your souls but their's will suffice"  he said

" Whose souls?" The girls asked in unison

" Theirs", he continued," come out boys your prize awaits"

In front of the girls stood the rowdy ruff boys except the looked better than before, they looked powerful, stronger, faster, more agile and perhaps smarter but most importantly what's gonna happen to our girls find out next.

To Be Continued..........

Love Will Find A Way(a ppgz and Rrbz fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now