Chapter 6

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Hi guys it's me again sorry for not updating sooner anyway this chapter is gonna be mostly about Kaoru's date with Jay.

Kaoru's POV
"Why do I have to do this again?" I asked
"Because it's the right thing to do" Miyako said.
I just rolled my eyes, I still can't believe I have to go out with Jay just because I lost a rematch to him. If I see that runt I'm gonna.......
"Hey Kaoru Jay's here!"Momoko said
We were in my house preparing for the 'date'. I wore a dark green crop top, a black skirt reaching slightly above my knee(Momoko and Miyako made me wear it), a black leather jacket and a pair of green and white ankle boots (A/N sorry if my description sucks).

Jay's POV
When Kao-chan came down the stairs I felt myself drool a bit, she looked amazing, this is gonna be good😏😏.
"Sup Kao-chan"
"Whatever, let's just get this over with",she said as she punched me in the chest


We got to the restaurant (to lazy to make a name) and ordered something to eat after we finished with our dinner I decided to walk Kaoru home.

Kaoru's POV
We were walking to my house even though I told him like a thousand times that I could handle myself but he just wouldn't listen, so right now I'm walking with Jay on my way home if my family sees him, my dad would go crazy if he saw Jay my mom would think I have a boyfriend (gross) and my brothers would probably do something dumb but other than that I guess taking a walk with Jay under the stars is pretty cool too.


We got to my house.
"Good bye Jay, thanks for everything,I actually had a good time, you k-know just hanging out " I say trying to hide the blush on my cheeks
"Any time Kao-chan"
I guess he was going to say something but didn't get the chance to when my mom opened the door
"Oh hey Kaoru, I see you're already back and who is this fine young man?"
" Mom this is Jay" I said pointing to Jay, " and Jay this is my mom"
" We'll you might as well stay a little bit longer"y mom said. Just as he was about to speak I cut in saying,
" Sorry Mom but Jay was just leaving"
"Too bad, oh well some other time then" and with that Jay left.

The Next Day.
Jay's POV
I can't stop thinking about the date with Kaoru, she kind of reminds me of someone,she acts a lot like Buttercup, what if.......
I was knocked out of my train of thoughts when Hikaru was jumping on my bed
"What the heck, man?!"
"Dude I thought you were asleep so I tried to wake you up"
" At least warn me before you do that next time"
We got to school and I see Kaoru *slight smirk* so I walk up  to her
"Sup Kao-chan"
"What do you want Jay" she says while obviously blushing,I know she likes me but she just won't say anything.
"Nothing,I guess I just wanted to ask you if we could hang out after school?"
" And why would I ?"

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