Special Edition - Christmas

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"Wake up guys!" Bubbles' voice rang through the house as she knocked on the bedroom doors.

Buttercup groaned in bed and got up asking groggily "What time is it?"

"Twelve AM"  Bubbles replied

"Too early" she said and layed back down.

"Get up it's Christmas!" She shouted and this time everybody got up.

By the time they got downstairs Bubbles had already prepared cakes, gingerbread cookies and an array of other things with soft holiday music playing in the background.

The boys had slept over after playing games and we're suprised at how fast she had prepared it.

"Wow Bubs, this looks amazing" Boomer said walking into the kitchen to take a bite of the snack she made, but before he could Butch snatched it away and ate it.

"Hey!" He said with an annoyed look on his face "You should have gotten yours"

"Well there's more so take your own advice" he said smugly before Buttercup elbowed him out of the doorway.

"You guys should be nice" Bubbles said " It's Christmas"

"So what do you guys want to do?" Brick asked

"Let's build snowmen" Bubbles said excitedly

"Na, too boring" Butch said

"Then how about we go to the Himalayas" Buttercup said and Brick smirked

"Then let's make it interesting" he said

"How?" Blossom asked

"We'll make it a race" Brick replied her

"And the loser has to wear a costume and walk around the city square" Buttercup added

"Loser's gonna be dressed as Rudolph" Bitch said "Since it's festive"

"Are you guys sure about this?" Blossom asked

"Dont be a Debby downer Bloss" Brick slung his arm around her shoulder causing her to blush.

"Fine but we'll go when it's much brighter outside" she said and the rest agreed.

"Yay, I'll prepare snacks" Bubbles was beside herself with excitement and Boomer suggested to help her.

When it was brighter and they were ready to go a call came in informing them that Mojo planned on engulfing the entire continent in heat not only causing the snow to melt but the biggest heat wave known to man would occur and everyone would be too fatigued to carry out anything, it could even lead to forest fires.

The gang left quickly only to realize that there was a big done covering everywhere.

"So that's how he plans on doing it" Brick muttered and the flew off to quickly find Mojo.

They found him at his house.

"Mojo take down the dome" Blossom ordered

"Yeah, we wanna celebrate the holiday" Bubbles said

"Never" Mojo cried out and put his plan into action causing heat to engulf everywhere.

"What if your house catches fire?" Buttercup asked

"Won't all this heat affect your house?" Butch asked

"It won't" Mojo said and increased the heat.

"I'm tired of this" Buttercup said then rushed forward but robots came out of compartments in the floor and they started fighting.

After a while crushed robots lay scattered on the floor and Mojo looked I'm disbelief. Buttercup walked up to him and round housed him causing him to fly in a corner then she walked away and the others followed suit. Bubbles stayed behind and walked up to Mojo.

"What do you want?" He sneered but she handed him a box.

"Merry Christmas" she smiled at him "You don't have to be a bad guy all the time Mojo"

She got up and walked out but not before saying "Enjoy the holiday"

Bubbles met up with the rest of the group and Boomer turned to look at her, his eyes questioning.

"What took you so long?"

"Just gave Mojo his gift" she smiled at Boomer then skipped ahead.

"Last one to the Himalayas is Rudolph for a day!" Buttercup yelled out suddenly then flew off.

"Cheater!" Butch shouted then followed after her. Brick and Blossom followed suit while Bubbles and Boomer were last.

When they reached the mountains, Butch tackled Buttercup to the snow and they rolled over. When she looked up her nose was close to Butch's.

"Get off of me" she grunted the pushed him off but her ears were tinted pink.

Boomer was the last to arrive so he had to wear the costume.

"Aww man" he said dejectedly.

"I think you'll look cute in the costume" Bubbles said then kissed his cheek before running away.

As the sun was beginning to set, the blue couple was making a snowman and Butch threw snowball at them, ruining their work. He threw another one and  Bubbles dodged falling into Boomer's arms. She looked into his blue eyes and he looked back at her, they leaned in and shared a kiss while snow began to drop from the sky.

"It's so pretty Boomie" Bubbles said as she caught a snowflake.

Meanwhile, the greens were in a snow fight and had included the reds into it. Brick had built a wall of snow to protect Blossom and him. After a while the hurling of snowballs stopped and Blossom was happy bit it was short lived as Brick dumped snow on her. She chased after him but tripped and fell causing Brick to laugh as he held his side.

"I think that's enough snow fun" she said as she got up and cleaned herself.

They sat down and had the snacks that Bubbles had prepared. By now the snow was still falling a bit and the stars were visible creating a magical effect. Bubbles snuggled into Boomer and Brick pulled Blossom into his embrace which caused a blush to spread across her cheeks.

"Merry Christmas" she whispered then placed a kiss on his jaw, he looked away and muttered the same thing, his cheeks pink.

Bubbles said it to Boomer and he kissed the top of her head, then held her closer.

Butch and Buttercup and wrestled in the snow after eating the snacks and were panting as they relaxed in their backs despite the snow.

"Merry Christmas idiot" Buttercup said as she punched Butch but he pinned her down and kissed her.

"And a Happy New Year" he smirked and she pushed him off with a red face.

The scene was sweet and the magic of the falling snow filled the air. They group enjoyed their time and it was a good end to the day.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night (even though it's morning 😁)

Enjoy your holiday.


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