Chapter 3

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Maria Estella here, I hope you guys like the book so far also don't forget to vote and comment.

Miyako's POV
I was at the park blowing bubbles when I noticed someone familiar and I instantly knew who it was, it was Hikaru and it seems like he's also taking a stroll but I can't let him know I'm here so I stand up and I'm about to leave when I feel a slight tap on the shoulder.
"Um,hey Miyako"
"Oh hi Hikaru,I didn't know you were at the park,what a coincidence" I lied nervously," so what brings you here?"
" Well, you see,I always come here after school"
" Oh I see". 'How was I supposed to know he would also be at the park?' I thought
"So um Miyako, if your not busy we could probably get something to eat because there is a Cafe not too far from the park" he blushed nervously.
" Ok then let's go"- I wonder how Momoko and Kaoru are doing

Momoko's POV
I was at Annie's Place getting a little snack.
"I'll take the strawberry shortcake,the buttered scones,the jelly roll,the chocolate chip muffin, vanilla and chocolate chip muffin and lastly the cream puffs."
" Wow,you really like sweets don't you?" A familiar voice asks. I turn around to see who it was and of course it was Haru,and it looks like he came for the same purpose I'm here, obviously.
"I'll have the usual" he orders,and there's an awkward silence between us.
"So how long have you been coming here?" I ask trying to break the ice
" It's actually been a while since I started coming here,and I guess I kinda like the pastries here". When he's done ordering we sit down at a booth and start chatting,soon he takes a bite out of his pastrie and has a little frosting on his nose, seeing this a laugh.
"What's so funny?" he asks
"Oh nothing 😔 it's just that you have a little frosting on your nose😆" I reply,he gets up to get something to clean of the frosting but I decide to help him clean it of instead. I blush at how close our faces were, I wonder how Kaoru is doing.

Kaoru's POV
I decided to go to the skatepark.
"Yo Kai"
"Oh hey Kaoru"
"What's up man,it been a while", I say while giving him a fist bump
" I could say the same about you, I haven't seen you around for quite a while now"
" Yeah"
" So what brings you here"
" I just wanted to skate a bit"
"So that's it,huh?"
"Yeah dude,you know that's the only reason I'm here"
" Cool,well you should join the skating competition,it next Friday at 5pm and I'm very sure you'll win so are you gonna enter?"
"Heck yeah!"
Just when I'm about to skate down the ramp I see someone performing some really cool tricks and I just realized who it was it was Jay,what is he doing here?. Soon enough he sees me and walks up to me
"What's up Kaoru" he says smirking at me
"Nothing" I say trying to hide the blush on my face,"why are you here anyway?"
"Same reason as you"
"Of course"I was mumbling to my self when Kai came over
" Hey Kaoru,um,I grabbed you a sign up sheet to fill out to enter the skating competition"
" Competition?" Jay asks
" Yeah didn't you know man,there's a skating competition next Friday and Kaoru's gonna enter cause she's like the best skateboarder I've ever seen
"So is there a chance I could enter the contest"?"
" Yeah dude, totally,so do you two know each other?"
" Yes!"
" No!",we replied at the same time. Right now I feel like Jay should just get lost.

Author's Note: so I hope you liked the chapter I'm gonna try to update more.
Peace and love:Maria Estella

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