Chapter 5

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Hey guys Maria Estella here, hope you guys like this chapter.

Momoko's POV
The girls and I went to the professor's house to tell him about our situation with the Rowdy Ruffs.
When we arrived at the professor's house we saw Ken and peach.
"Where's the professor" I asked
"Oh,he's in the lab, what's wrong?"
" Well we needed to see him" Miyako replied
" Ok, then let's go" Ken replied
We went to the lab and saw the professor working on something
"Professor!" Miyako, Kaoru and I said at the same time causing him to mix in the wrong chemical which made the mixture explode.
"Oh,hey girls,what brings you here?" The professor asked after cleaning his face
" Well, you see........." I started
"We have a problem with the ruffs......" Kaoru said
" And we need your help" Miyako finished
" What exactly happened?"
"It all started when Mojo was attacking city Hall and we went to stop him but after I had knocked him out of city hall, Momoko was hit by a fire ball which Brick had thrown,when I tried to fight him Butch blocked me with his earth powers and Miyako stood there doing nothing"Kaoru said
" Hey!" Miyako screamed
" What about Boomer,did you get to see his new power upgrade?"
"Sadly, no"
" Ok, I think I have the answer"
" How?!" We all asked at the same time
" Well, I've been working on something that could up you game"
"Can we see it?" We asked at the same time again
" Ok, Ken bring out Project Z"
"Ok professor"
After a few minutes Ken came with something,they looked like belts,he gave us the belts and said,"I know these look like your old belts,but"
"But?" We asked in unison
"They are actually your new power belts,the professor and I were thinking of giving you guys a little upgrade since we were guessing that the villains would also upgrade too"
" Wow professor they look amazing" I said.
" We'll try them on" Ken said.
The girls and I tried on the belts and they were awesome we also got a costume change, we wore long sleeved jackets and gowns that reached just above our knee ,all in our respective colours. Our weapons were the same but we got awesome new powers I had ice, Miyako had water and Kaoru had wind. Now I'm a hundred percent sure that we're gonna beat the Rowdy Ruffs.

Butch/Jay's POV
My brothers and I arrived home or at least that's what I call it. Brick went to take a shower 😑, Boomer is in the kitchen cooking and as for me I'm just playing games with my phone, hmmmm I wonder?.................*dials Kaoru's number*

On the phone
Kaoru: hello?
Me: hey Kaoru
Kaoru:do I know you?
Me: if course you do *smirking*
Kaoru: wait, how did you get this number and why are you calling me?
Me: I have my ways
Kaoru: whatever, why are you calling anyway
Me:well I hope you didn't forget about our little date tomorrow?
Kaoru: seriously, is that why your calling me?
Me: I guess I just couldn't help myself, I really needed to hear your voice.
Kaoru: moron
Me: so is that your little nickname for me
Kaoru:* blushes* whatever
In the background (Boomer): dinner's ready!
Me:anyway I gotta go see you later, babe.
*Ends call*

Kaoru's POV
I just got off the phone with Jay, who by the way is super annoying I wonder who even gave him my number in the first place and if that moron calls me babe one more time I swear I'm gonna break him in half and there's nothing Momoko or Miyako will say or do that would stop me from mangling him.

Author's note: hey guys I really hoped you liked this chapter sorry if it's a bit shorter than what I would normally write, don't forget to vote and comment
Peace ☮️ and love 💖- Maria Estella

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