Santa Baby (Christmas Special)

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Stuart bit his lip as he maneuvered the heavy tree topper to sit still on the too small tree for the ornament. While he was focused, a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind as a hand gently patted his chest. "It's okay Stu," (Y/N) told him with a soft tone.

He shook his head and defeatedly set the tree topper next to the base of the tree on the countertop. "I'm sorry we couldn't get a big tree, songbird." Stu turned in her arms and hugged her back, his Santa hat drooping down the side of his face as if it felt the same disappointment he felt.

"It's okay baby, we can get a big tree when we move out." She gave a cheerful smile and reached a hand up to gently play with the white ball at the end of his hat. Her eyes skimmed their current living situation; a simple apartment that they had rented while Murdoc worked through buying a new studio for the band to work and live. Noodle lived across the hall with Russel while Murdoc was currently sleeping in his car, the stubborn man he was didn't want to "waste money on some crummy shithole" or something like that. (Y/N) figured he just didn't want to have an apartment by himself and he was too proud to sleep on a pull-out couch even though he had slept in worse places before. Focusing back on Stu, she stopped playing with his hat and put her hand on his cheek to give him a kiss. "We're still having a Christmas party right? The others won't mind the tree as long as there's good food," she joked, trying to get him to smile his adorable toothy grin. And it worked. He matched her smile before kissing her nose.

"Ye, speaking of that we should check to make sure we have everything." Stu lifted her up in a bridal embrace, smiling more at her adorable squeal of surprise, and carrying her to the small kitchen before setting her down on the counter as he began moving around, checking the fridge and pantry as (Y/N) listed out some food and cooking supplies. Once everything was accounted for, the pair got to work prepping the small Christmas dinner; Stu pre-heated the oven for their Christmas chicken, it was easier to cook than a turkey, while (Y/N) turned up the radio and hummed with the annoying yet downright infective festive music. The blue-haired singer chuckled as his lovely girlfriend hugged him from behind, both now humming to the cheery notes. (Y/N) reluctantly let go of him in order to cut up potatoes in order to make future mashing much easier and he moved over to get some chicken stock to make gravy. Songs changed, laughter was shared, beautiful smells wafted through the small apartment as hours seemed to go by in seconds.

Eventually one song came on that made (Y/N) chuckle softly, her body swaying as the charming melody of "Santa Baby" flowed through the hazy speakers of their radio. She sang the words under her breath, giggling at how sultry the voice on the radio was and trying to replicate it but only making herself laugh more. It was Stu's turn to hug her from behind with one arm, the other holding a cup of eggnog, softly laughing with her. It was nearly time for the party at this point, but there was definitely enough time to have a cup of nog and have a fun dance. Each now with a cup of nearly spilling milky alcohol. Their free hands hung on to each other as they waltzed and spun clumsily, not drunk yet. At least, not on the eggnog but more on each other. (Y/N) pulled the tall man down to her level for a gentle kiss, her lips tingling from the lingering eggnog and the buzz this man naturally gave her. The song ended, but the couple kept dancing. Setting down empty glasses to free their hands for a closer hug and more kisses. The oven beeped a finished chicken while a knock came from the door, briefly separating the pair. (Y/N) went to pull out the food and turn off the heat so it was all ready for serving; Stu opened the door for his band mates. Noodle hugged him before entering, idly chattering about the cute decorations, Russell offered a brief fist bump then entered and went to sit on the couch, and a Scrooge-like Murdoc stood with his arms crossed looking at Stu. He gave a curt nod then went inside to sit on a recliner. Once everyone got their food, the atmosphere became one of good times that would surely last a day or two afterwards before things went back to the band's normalcy.

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