2D x Reader (Blue Skies)

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Same as with my Murdoc x Reader book, it's been waaay too long. Enjoy!

It was a cloudy day at Kong Studios. The sky was a dark grey and even darker clouds sailed above, blocking any sunlight that dared to try and shine through. (Y/N) sat at her work desk, typing out the notes she had taken at today's meeting. The band had gone out for the weekend, which left everyone else to get the equipment up and ready for when they returned. The gloomy day had seemed to affect everyone's mood; the normal excited attitude everyone held was watered down by the lack of sun. (Y/N) sighed and decided now would be a good time to take a break, not like anyone would get mad at her. She saved her work, closed the laptop, and threw on a sweatshirt over her tank top to combat the cold air that awaited her outside her space-heated room. She opened the door and made her way towards the kitchen. The halls were barren, everyone was most likely locked in there respective rooms doing their own thing. Yet as she got closer to the kitchen, she heard someone humming. Music was being played at a low volume and someone was humming along, sometimes singing a few of the words. She recognized the song, Blue Skies.

Her footfalls were silent as her socks cushioned the steps, so whoever was singing didn't hear her enter the kitchen and rest against the door frame. She watched in slight amusement as 2D himself hummed along to an old song while making a sandwich. She had only seen the singer in passing and the odd time she was taking notes while they were recording. They never shared more than side glances and small smiles, yet she couldn't help feeling attracted to the blue haired man.

To be polite, she cleared her throat to alert him that he was no longer alone. His body stiffened before he turned around, but as he saw it was just (Y/N) he relaxed and gave her a nice smile. She smiled back and approached the refrigerator. She pulled out an ice cream sandwich and popped a hot chocolate packet into the coffee maker. As she unwrapped and began to eat the treat she took in 2D; he was wearing a white, oversized sweater that looked like a cloud with light blue pants and he was barefoot. By the time she finished her sandwich the coffee maker beeped and her hot chocolate was done. About the same time, 2D had finished making his sandwich and now leaned against the counter to eat it. She copied his stance and gingerly drank the warm beverage.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him looking at her. His black eyes seemed focused on her mouth for a moment or two before his head shot back up. His blue hair whipped around at the sudden movement and (Y/N) had to stifle her laughter.

"There's still some ice cream in your mouth," he said. (Y/N) fully looked at him now, caught off guard by the statement. Without thinking, she licked her lips to get the access ice cream. She could have sworn she heard 2D whimper.

"Thanks," she said back. "You have some bread crumbs on yours." Before he could react, she reached out and brushed them away with her thumb. Suddenly aware of what she had done, she went to pull her hand away but 2D put his over it to keep it there.

"Do yew, uh, d-do yew," he stuttered, a light blush covering his cheeks. "W-would yew like to go on a date wit me, (Y/N)?" He finally got out.

(Y/N) waited for a moment, and when he started to get fidgety she nodded and smiled. "Of course, when?"

"Lunch?" He offered.

She nodded once again. "I'll go get changed then, meet you at the front doors?" This time he nodded. She stepped away, her hand slowly leaving his cheek, and walked back up to her room. As she got changed, she looked out her window. The sky didn't look so grey anymore.

2D x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now