Music Instructor (Teacher!AU)

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The whole class was surprisingly quiet as the students waited for their teacher to enter and start the day. Professor Hobbs was usually never this late and some were starting to get a bit worried for their strange yet amusing music teacher.

"It's been ten minutes," one inevitable kid mentioned. Some kids nodded and started to pack up while some others were determined to wait it out for their favorite teacher.

A girl in the back spoke up. "Did he send an email? Maybe he's sick."

"Nope." (Y/N) showed the girl her phone, no email from Professor Hobbs to be seen. She sighed and decided to wait at least a few more minutes. She enjoyed the class but it definitely wasn't her favorite. Before any of them could leave, however, a man came literally crashing into the room and tripped over his feet to fall into the chair at the front desk. Everyone's eyes widened as they stared at this new man with blue hair and pitch black eyes dressed in a poor representation of what Professor Hobbs usually wore.

"Uh...hello.." he spoke in an overwhelmingly British accent. "S..sorry I'm late, got lost." He cleared his throat and slowly stood up then fixed his tie. "I am your..uh..substitute because Rus- er Professor Hobbs has some business to deal with it today." He flashed a nervous yet charming smile. "I'm Professor Potts."

The confused students were suspicious but he didn't seem to have ill intentions. One boy raised his hand. "Professor...Potts, we have a usual sub when Professor Hobbs is gone. Where is she?"

"They're both out so he asked me to sub today. I'm one of Russel's friends." He grinned proudly and few kids felt better. "Okay, no more questions? Cool, I'll just take..uh..role call." He called out everyone's names, adding little observations or compliments after each one. "(Y/N)..." He looked at her once she raised her hand. "Your eyes are very pretty." She blushed and mumbled a thank you before he continued down the line. The class surprisingly went pretty normal from there, Professor Potts was very well versed in what they were currently learning and was able to explain it in a simpler way than Professor Hobbs would have. By the end of class a few girls were even swooning over him and were giggling after every joke he made. (Y/N) was trying to focus on the lesson, but she was never really good about that. Most days she stayed after class for some extra tutoring from Professor Hobbs, it's how she kept her B plus average.

So when this class ended, and everyone was packed up to leave, (Y/N) stayed and watched everyone. She could at least ask for some help, and if he said no she could just shrug and go back to her dorm then email Professor Hobbs for help. Once everyone else was gone, and (Y/N) was left alone with the interesting man. He was humming under his breath while he erased the whiteboard he had used for today's lesson. She took a gentle breath and approached him.

"Excuse me sir," she started and he turned to look at her with a warm smile, in which she noticed a gap between his teeth. His demeanor was much different now than when he arrived just an hour prior, he was calm and sure of himself now.

"Yes (Y/N)?" He said her name with ease, like he hadn't just met her. Must be a good memory.

"Um...I usually get tutored by Professor Hobbs after class, I was wondering if you could help me out with this lesson from today." She clutched her notebook to her chest and waited with bated breath.

Professor Potts tilted his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, sure." He sat on the desk, his long legs crossing at his ankles and his arms crossed over his chest in a relaxed pose that also managed to give off a superior vibe. "What did you have trouble with?" He wasn't attempting to appear controlling or above her, he just wanted to help.

(Y/N) opened her notebook and laid it on his desk, showing him where she got lost. He smiled and explained it to her again, going at a different pace and using different explanations until it finally clicked for her. About half an hour later, (Y/N) was smiling with joy over having understood. "Thank you Professor!" She giggled softly.

He chuckled softly and held up a hand. "You can call me Stu, I don't mind." The way he had said that, mixed with his amused expression, sent a shiver down (Y/N)'s spine and she blushed.

"Okay...Stu. Thank you again." She gave him one more smile before leaving the room and going to her dorm to get a nap in before dinner.

With the sun now going down, Stu was still in Russel's office, he took out his phone and called his friend. "Hey Rus! Oh, the class was great...yes everyone was here and they understood the lesson. Hey I was wondering if I could sub for you again, give you a day off, I really enjoyed this." There was some silence as Russel spoke from the other line. "(Y/N) was a doll, I see what you mean. Of course I'm not gonna try anything! I was just complimenting her." More listening. "Next week? Cool, thanks Rus." He hung up and smiled to himself before grabbing his bag and heading out to go home.

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