Steal My Heart (Mobster!AU)

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Stuart Pot wasn't the best choice for running a mob, but his father wanted him to take up the torch. If it weren't for his bodyguard/closest friend, Noodle, Stu wouldn't be the somewhat successful boss he was now. Noodle was just her codename, Stu didn't know what her real name was and they decided it wasn't necessary for him to know. The Pot family had a connection to opium dens but they had most of their business through the illegal distribution of moonshine.

It was a rather average night for Stu, who was laid up in his room with no energy to do anything productive yet not tired enough to go to sleep. The only sound came from the light rocking of the fan above him. Closing his eyes, he focused on the sound and started drumming his fingers on his chest to the rhythm he began creating. Stu was rather fond of music, never getting the chance to fully delve into that hobby due to all the work he had to do, plus he couldn't see that well anyway. Probably wouldn't be able to play any instruments. At the thought of it, his eyes began aching. At a young age, he had gotten in an accident with some other mob boss' son. The other son walked away practically unscathed, but Stu had gotten two eight ball fractures, gaining him the name "Two Dents" or "2-D" for short. Not the most intimidating name but his eyes seemed to freak most people out of a fight. It also freaked out any potential dates. Leaving him alone. Just him and the fan and the soft wind.

Stuart sat up and looked around. He didn't remember hearing the wind before, and looking over at the now open window he knew for a fact something had happened. Someone had snuck into his room. Reaching under his pillow, he grabbed the revolver he kept for personal protection. His ears were always better than his eyes, so he listened for any disturbance within the room before he slowly got out of the bed and started looking around. He slowed his breathing, terrified someone had been sent to kill him. There was a soft squeak of a hinge. He spun on his heel and advanced on the cupboard, taking a breath and flinging open the door. There was a girl tucked in there, smiling sheepishly up at him.

(Y/N) had her hands clamped over her mouth as she heard the boss' son walk around the room in search of her. She tried moving further into the cupboard and her damn knee ended up just barely touching the door, but it was enough to make the damn hinge squeak. His footsteps started approaching and curled up tighter. This was it, she was going to die, so much for a cash grab. The door was flung open and all (Y/N) could do was smile up at black-eyed man. He gave her a tilted look of confusion, putting the gun on the counter before squatting down to look her in the eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a weird cockney accent. (Y/N) couldn't speak, she couldn't move, it was hard to tell if she was even breathing. His brows scrunched together as he repeated his question.

(Y/N) found her voice and gave a whispered response. "Lost?" She was so dead.

But to her shock, 2D began chuckling. He leaned back and sat in front of her, his arms resting on his knees. "That's a good one, never heard of a funny assassin before." He laughed some more. Confusion wasn't enough to describe whatever emotion rushed through (Y/N)'s head, but she saw her opening and started slowly climbing out in an attempt to not seem as a threat while at the same time trying to get away. But 2D's hand shot out and grabbed her shoulder. "Ah-ah," he warned in a surprising switch of tone. He was the intimidating boss' son. "You're not gonna get to leave that easily, stand up." He didn't give her much of a choice as his hand moved to her elbow and lifted her up as he stood, but it wasn't rough. "Now, who sent you here to kill me?"

(Y/N) raised a brow. "I...I wasn't sent here to kill you." She had broken in in hopes of finding something of value to sell. She thought he was asleep, he definitely looked asleep and he didn't even notice when she opened the window. How did he know she had gotten in?

Her answer caught him off-guard, and she saw her chance. Grabbing his elbow, twisting his arm then his whole body before pushing him to his knees before forcing him further to lay on the ground. "Hey! Ouch!" He yelled out as (Y/N) twisted both of his arms behind his back. Unfortunately, he was not strong enough to hold his own against anyone and she had gotten him by surprise so any strength he might have had was currently forgotten.

She took soft breaths, happy that had been easier than she thought it would be, and looked around the room before her eyes settled on the shiny watch he had. "Sorry Pot, but a girl's got to make a living." She easily removed the watch and pocketed it, smiling down at her work. "Thought this would be harder." She shouldn't be teasing, but she couldn't help it. The thief leaned down to whisper in his ear. "See you later, sweetheart." Then she slammed his head into the ground to knock him out before she made her easy escape.

He didn't come to until a few hours later, the window shut once again and no trace of the thief. Stu would've thought the whole thing was a dream if it wasn't for the fact he was laying on the ground with a big, red welt on his forehead. There was no room for anger as he looked out the window and thought about her. Her sweet voice whispering in his ear as her body pressed against his. His face went red as he sat back against the counter, he was only a man after all. He secretly hoped her words were true, he had more watches after all. It would be such a crime if she came back to take more.

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