Lunch in the Park (Male!Reader)

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A/N: It was requested of me to make a Male!Reader chapter for this book, and I found it rather interesting so if people like this then I'll make some more like this, or maybe just continue this one.

 It was a sweltering hot day in London, one of the few the city ever saw, and most everyone was staying indoors. But not (Y/N), no not today. Because today was Tuesday, and Tuesday was taco day, which meant he would be walking all the way to the park in this godforsaken heat to get some of the best tacos in London, or he would die trying. Armed with his favourite hat and a water bottle with more ice than water, he set out for the five minute trek. The one good thing that could come from this, would be that there would be no line and (Y/N) could sit in the shade while enjoying his lunch and the quiet of the park.

Bullets of sweat rocketed down his body, doing its job of cooling him off but making very unsightly sweat stains all over his shirt. The second he was alone, he would take off his shirt and get to eating, but for now he would just have to deal with it. Maybe wearing black wouldn't have been such a bad idea, he thought with a huff then another swig of his water as the green of the park finally came into view and he nearly sprinted towards the wonderful oasis. Once there, he could smell the tacos leading him to his sanctuary, his order fresh in his mind. Ready to say it, wait like a minute, then get in the shade. But oh how cruel the gods were that day, when (Y/N) saw some skinny beanpole of a man standing in front of the food truck window, running his hand through strange blue hair in that way that only people who didn't know what to order did. (Y/N) contemplated pouring his water over the fellow, but in this heat it might seem as an act of good faith, so he just got behind the man and waited.

At some point the man finally ordered, (Y/N) had zoned out so he really didn't catch what he ordered but that didn't matter as the man stepped aside letting (Y/N) walk up and give his order before the cook could even finish his half-hearted greeting. Both parties were relieved at how fast their conversation had gone and (Y/N)'s order was ready to go, cooking alongside the other man's. During this quiet moment, he decided to take another look at this other guy. On second glance, the chap was not bad looking, pretty average if you liked the skinny and tall type, which (Y/N) happened to. So he kept looking, going down to see the expensive tennis shoes he had on, all the way up his long legs to his shorts, then his tank top. He was on his phone, so (Y/N) ventured to look at his face, finding himself immediately shocked when he saw two black holes where his eyes should've been. He'd seen that kind of stuff before, eight-ball fractures, but never that completely dark. How was this guy even able to see a foot ahead of him, not to mention his phone. But (Y/N) didn't dwell on that for too long after his order was called out. He thanked the cook, and made his way to a secluded bench underneath a big oak tree which provided an ample amount of shade. He carefully set his wrapped taco down on the bench then took off his nearly drenched shirt, laying it over the back and sitting down to finally enjoy his lunch.

"Mind if I sit 'ere?" A pretty squeaky voice asked, and (Y/N) looked up to see none other than the no-eyes standing above him. Why would he want to sit here, the whole park was open for Pete's sake!

"Ya sure." He shrugged and moved over a bit, sitting against his shirt now as he laid his arm on the side. No point in being overly confrontational, he was just asking to sit after all.

No-eyes gave a goofy smile and sat on the opposite side of the bench. "Thanks!" He started to eat his burrito while looking through his phone again. (Y/N) looked over at him from time to time, starting to feel a little self-conscious about having his shirt off around this cute stranger, but he could be a man and suck it up at least until he left. He just about finished his taco when No-eyes spoke up again. "Sorry if I was takin too long in line, I forgot my order as soon I got up there." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with his unoccupied hand, then took another bite of his burrito. "This place really has the best food, it's hard to choose sometimes." He chuckled then looked off into the distance.

(Y/N) didn't really know what to say so he just nodded. "Ya, they really do."

"I'm not bothering yew by sittin here am I?" He asked, looking back at (Y/N) with what seemed like a light blush, but it was hard to tell.

"Not really, it's a public bench." He gave a light smile then finished his taco before taking out his own phone to check some notifications.

No-eyes seemed to fidget a bit. "My name's Stu, but most everyone calls me 2D, heh." He rubbed the back of his neck again.

"I'm (Y/N)," he said in return while raising a brow, noting the nervousness of the man next to him. Was he uncomfortable with the fact (Y/N) was shirtless but just too shy to say anything outwardly about it. "Uh, do you want me to put my shirt back on? If it's making you uncomfy I don't mind."

Stu shook his head then looked down at his phone on his lap. "No! No, it's fine, I should be leaving anyway. See you around, (Y/N)." He hopped up from the bench then swiftly walked down the path.

"Weird," he mumbled and looked back down at his phone to get a notification from his dumb newspaper app. It told him a famous band was touring through the city this week, and it showed a picture of the band. Wait. On closer inspection, (Y/N)'s eyes widened as he jumped from the bench to look around but it was too late. The lead singer of Gorillaz, 2D, had already disappeared from the park.

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