They Were In Love

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Today was a day. Supposedly the best day of y/n's life. Because y/n is a very special girl, there are none like her. At all. She's just waking up but her gorgeous blonde, brown, black, ginger hair fell perfectly over her dainty af shoulders. Sitting up to stretch, her blue green gold brown hazelnut maroon red green blue orbs scanned her messy room. There are empty water bottles on various surfaces of her room because she is depressed cause her entire family died the day she was born.

With a sigh, she rolls out of bed and sulks to her floor to ceiling mirror. Her body had the curves of a goddess but she absolutely hates how she looks because her waist to hip ratio makes her look like a Barbie and she hates Barbies and all girly things. To hide this ugliness, she throws on a sweater five sizes too big for her and some black leggings with her favourite converse. She finishes the look by putting her hair into a messy bun then goes downstairs to get breakfast.

Her adoptive family was waiting for her but when she went to greet them, she was met with silent indifference.

"G-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-good m-m-m-m-morning everyone............" she whispers while walking to the kitchen. They say nothing and tears well in her prism eyes. She grabs a bag of Monster Munch and runs away from that horrible house. She ran and ran and ran and ran, wanting to never look back in case the demons took control again. Did I forget to mention, y/n is half demon. Spooky right? Whenever is gets scared or nervous her orbs become a deep pitch black. But when she gets mad, her demon wings come out. She hates being such a freak, no one will ever love her because of her freaky black orbs.

She runs for so long she ends up in the venue for a concert soon. The posters all advertised the greatest band to ever band. It was also y/n's favourite band because she is not like other girls so she doesn't like stuff like Harry Styles or Billie Eilish. No, she loved Gorrilas. She was so distracted by the awesome posters, that she accidentally tripped over nothing (a/n: because she's just soooooo clumsy but also graceful) and falls right on top of a very tall singer. She couldn't believe her black orbs. 2D was right in front of her. Or, more accurately, under her. His black orbs gazing into hers.

"O-o-o-o-o-o–o-o-o-o-o-oh my g-g-g-g-g-g-g-god! Y-y-y-y-you're 2-2-2-2-2-2-2D! I l-l-l-l-l-love your song, John Wayne!"

"I think you mean Clint Eastwood luv, but thank you." He smiles up at her and gently caresses her cheek with the adoration of a life-long lover. "You're very beautiful, and your eyes are really cool." He chuckles.

Y/n starts to shed crystal tears, she never thought anyone would find her beautiful. Immediately she starts making out with him and he reciprocates by grabbing her arse. They were in love. 

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