Turn of Events (Male!Reader Pt 2)

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Even since that odd encounter at the park, (Y/N) was unable to get 2D out of his head. He remembered when he used to listen to their music all the time, and he really enjoyed it but over time he just listened less and less. Then suddenly the lead singer just appears at his favorite taco truck. His laptop was open, the touring site with ticket listings shining through the low evening light as he contemplated buying one. If only just to see 2D again, or Stu. (Y/N) preferred calling him Stu, even if he had known him as 2D for a good bit of his own life, but he had met Stu at the park and Stu was just a normal bloke who happened to be in a modestly popular band.

(Y/N) refreshes the page and there are less tickets available now, and they're all up in the nosebleed section. There were some VIP passes still available, but it was just far too expensive for a spur of the moment purchase. Besides, what would even happen? (Y/N) would go to the concert, see the band for afar, and wonder if Stu even remembered that encounter as well as he did. It was certainly unlikely, but it wouldn't hurt to just let loose for a night and relive some of his younger years. He groans and clicks buy before he could really think twice. If nothing else comes of this, at least he'll have a fun night.

The day of the concert came and (Y/N) left around noon to drive the hour or so to the concert hall and get situated before the evening show. Once he got there, of course there was a small crowd already forming and getting to their seats. He noticed a group of teenagers huddled around the bathroom but didn't think anything of it at the time, so he made his way to the merch stands to see if he could get any signed stuff. There were some food vendors also set up, and one chick was enthusiastically inviting people to buy some chili before the show started. (Y/N) wasn't feeling very hungry so he kept his distance to avoid some kind of guilting conversation. At the clothing vendor, he spotted a cool wallet with a picture of 2D on it. It wasn't signed or anything, but (Y/N) had a strong urge to buy it so he did. He also got a soda, feeling a bit parched.

While drinking his soda, he passed by the bathroom again with the group of teenagers still huddled around. Some of them looked sad, while others seemed pissed. His curiosity got the better of him and he went over to the oldest looking guy of the collection.

"Hey, is everything alright? You guys have been standing around the bathroom for a while now."

The group looks up at him, understandable surprised some random guy just came over to talk to them. The guy (Y/N) had addressed, cleared his throat. "Uh, we are um, waiting for our friend. He's taking a while and he doesn't sound too good so now we, uh might leave but some of us don't want to cause the tickets were expensive and stuff."

One of the girls, who looked the most worried, spoke up. "He's obviously sick! I bet it was that freaky chili, it smelled so gross! There's no way he can stay."

"Come ooooon," another girl groaned. "He can muscle through it, what if we just don't sit at the front? Or something? Or you can leave, if you're so worried about him, and the rest of us can stay."

A small argument started up within the group about tickets and seating and how getting new seats would be practically impossible now. (Y/N) cleared his throat, feeling a little awkward now but wanting to try and help. "I have a nosebleed section seat, and last I checked there's no one sitting next to me. I can give you the ticket for it, in a trade or something?"

The girl's face scrunched in confusion while the other smirked at (Y/N). "I think that's a great idea," the latter said and swiped the confused girl's ticket from her hand. "Take your boyfriend up to the nosebleed so his vomit doesn't bother anyone and that way y'all can stay for the show."

The confused girl looked about to protest but she had an internal dialogue and looked down. "I guess that's best." She looked at (Y/N) with a weak smile. "Thanks, I guess." (Y/N) hands her his ticket and says that he hopes her boyfriend gets better so they can actually enjoy the show. The difference between their seats was easily a hundred dollars and he really felt bad about that, but this appeared to be the best solution.

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