Extra Credit (Teacher!AU Pt. 2)

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It has been about a week since (Y/N) had last seen the interesting Professor Potts, or Stu as he had been wished to be called, and it wasn't that she favored him over Professor Hobbs but she would be lying if she said she didn't miss him at all. Since then, Professor Hobbs has gotten them to begin a new song to learn before the end of the month. This was on top of about five other songs they were going to perform for the college by the same deadline. This performance was to be considered their mid-term so it was a big deal to learn it and learn it well. Despite everyone needing to crack down on learning, Professor Hobbs had offered some extra credit for those who wanted to bring their grade up before the mid-term if they wished. Given the basis of the "test" one could pass, fail, or get half-credit if they showed for the performance but didn't give it their all. The extra credit was a simple task of finding an interesting song then performing it for the class.

After a few days of looking, (Y/N) had found a good song to use for her extra credit assignment. It was a song her grandmother would play repeatedly on her old gramophone and (Y/N) certainly thought it was interesting, given the time period it's from. She knew Professor Hobbs had a good sense of humor and her friends in the class were certainly excited to see her sing it. If she were any shyer, she would drop it immediately, but she had gained a lot of confidence through the class.

The day she walked into class, buzzing with nerves for her extra credit performance, she met the certain black eyes of a young professor. Oh no. Professor Potts smiled and waved her in as her friends snickered out of playfulness. (Y/N) waved back and hurried to her seat, using her hand to hide her blush as she talked with her friends and tried to back out. Her friends wouldn't allow it. Soon Professor Potts called for everyone's attention and started going through roll, doing his thing and complimenting the called person.

"(Y/N)?" He looked up to smile at the young woman in question, who shyly waved her hand. "Very cute shirt." He went on to the next person, but (Y/N) nearly slipped out of her chair. Her shirt was a pink blouse with a ruffled collar that she was suddenly very aware of how many buttons were undone. It wasn't an indecent amount, but given that it had been, likely, the first thing Stu noticed about her she couldn't help but blush darkly. Once everyone was called, Stu put down the roll call folder and clapped his hands together once to regain the class's attention. "Alright! Professor Hobbs has let me know that you all are working on some new music and to let you guys practice in groups or on your own, as long as you stay on task." He sat back on the desk, clearly more comfortable with the class this time round. "But he also informed me of some extra credit work he gave earlier this week. If anyone would like to go and get it out of the way, that would be perfectly fine." An elbow lightly pushed against (Y/N)'s side and she slowly raised her hand while taking a steady breath. Stu's face lit up and he gestured to her. "Miss (Y/N), the floor is yours. Would you like accompaniment?" He walked over to a piano that Professor Hobbs had been able to borrow for the class.

"Yes, thank you Stu." (Y/N) did her best to stay relaxed because she wouldn't be able to get through this any other way. She handed him the piano music that she had also prepared, it was meant to be played on piano after all. She then went on to do the small presentation beforehand. "I chose this song because it's something my grandmother would play a lot for fun. It's from the late 60s and I think that's what makes this song interesting. Given the time period this is a very, uh, racy song." Some people chuckled and (Y/N) was able to loosen up more, that's what she wanted, to make people laugh. She nodded to Stu and he started playing the beginning bars. "This is a song called Smut." With that, she started singing. Every now and again she stumbled over some words with her laughter, which only brought more enjoyment for the class. Once it was over, she got a good round of applause and Stu let himself laugh as well, having held it in so he could play.

"That was wonderful, (Y/N)! Make sure to stay after class so you can choose which assignment to add the extra credit on to, that's how it's done right?" (Y/N) nodded in affirmation as she went back to her seat. "Alright, is that all?" No one else raised their hand. "I'll let you guys get to it then. I'll be at the desk if you need anything." He sat down and opened his laptop, beginning to do his own work. (Y/N) worked on her part with the others in her vocal range, sometimes taking a break to refresh on another song just to keep their heads clear.

It didn't feel long until class was over and (Y/N) almost left, forgetting about the extra credit. But Stu gently tapped her shoulder to get her attention. "Still want that credit?" He joked.

"Oh! Thanks for reminding me, I'll catch up," she told her friends then placed her things down on the desk. Stu opened up his laptop, tapped a few things, then showed her her previous grades. She looked over the list then pointed at the lowest one. "That one please." She had leaned over his shoulder a bit in order to point out the right one, then immediately moved back when she realized that was a bit rude.

Stu didn't seem to mind as he added the points, effectively bringing her overall grade up to a low A. He looked at her over his shoulder. "You're a really good student, (Y/N). It's very fun to substitute for this class."

"Thank you, Professor Potts." She blushed and tucked some hair behind her ear

He turned his chair to look up at her, smiling just comfortably as he did during class. "I said you could call me Stu, no need to be so formal with me. I'm just a glorified tutor." He laughed at his own joke. (Y/N) laughed with him, relaxing and looking down at the floor. Though, her eyes stopped briefly to take notice of how his legs were spread out enough to see a slight bulge in his pants. She bit her lip and looked fully at the ground. Stu noticed her change in demeanor and leaned forward a bit, putting his elbows on his legs. "Are you alright?"

(Y/N) met his eyes and nodded. "Yes si-Stu, ya I'm alright."

He leaned back again, moving his hands to rest on his legs now. "That was a very interesting song. Was there any other reason why you chose it?" He was trying to banter with her, he really enjoyed her company.

(Y/N) smiled and brushed her hair out of her face again. "Not really, just thought it was funny. We like to joke around sometimes." Stu nodded and started lightly drumming his legs, drawing (Y/N)'s eyes back to that spot. "I, uh, I'll get out of your hair now." She forced herself to look at his eyes again.

"Please, stop by whenever. I mean," he rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't know the next time I'll substitute but I'll definitely come to see the performance. Can't wait to see it." He picked up her folder and held it out for her.

(Y/N) took her folder, their fingers brushing and making her heart skip a beat, and held it to her chest. She felt the cool plastic against her skin and realized once again how much skin she was showing. Did he like it? Why was she thinking about that? "I'll see you there, Stu." She gave a quick wave then left before her blush could get any more red.

Stuart smiled to himself, leaning back all the way in the chair. "Such a doll," he mumbled to himself before texting Russell about the lesson.

(Y/N) found her friends and they were very interested in what took her so long. She brushed off their teasing questions as they walked to get food. One friend spoke up. "This reminds me of those little fanfics I would read in high school. The college girl and her professor, real kinky stuff." (Y/N) pushed her friend and she pushed back. (Y/N) did not like Stu in that way at all. He was just nice and handsome and comfortable to be around. She gently bit her lip as she remembered those glances she got. He also had a really big...love for teaching.

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