Bad Singer pt. 3

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Days had passed since Stu saw (Y/N) again. He had been a mess, staying in his room nearly all the time, leaving only to eat or use the bathroom. Most knocks at the door he ignored, packages and letters built up on his doorstep, but when he heard the front door open he got up. He wondered if it was Noodle checking up on him, or Murdoc come by to yell at him for not working, maybe even Russel stopping by for a quick hello. The last thing he expected to see was (Y/N) standing in the doorway, looking up at him with regret in her eyes.

They were sat at the kitchen table in silence, inwardly debating who would speak first and finally (Y/N) decided to speak up. "Stu," she began with a soft sigh. "I may, no I did, overreact a bit with the whole singing thing. And I'm sorry." She looked up to meet his dark eyes, reaching a hand over the table to hold his.

"I'm sorry too, (Y/N). I never meant to upset ya, honest." He gently held her hand. "But, just, why? What happened?"

She looked off to the side, gently squeezing his hand. "I know I'm an awful singer, it's something that's constantly hung over me like my own personal storm cloud. I wanted to learn how, but whenever I went to go take lessons my instructors would all eventually give up and say I was a lost cause." She got choked up a bit but quickly pushed down her tears, not wanting to cry in front of him again. "I was scared that you would be the same. I was scared you would think I'm a lost cause and give up on me. That's why I didn't want the lessons. That's why I got upset, okay?" She looked up at him again to see distress in his features.

"(Y/N), I could never get mad at you." He reached out to hold both her hands. "I love you with all my heart."

(Y/N) nodded quickly as she pursed her lips. "I love you too. I would love if you taught me the ins and outs of singing." She chuckled softly then stood up to pull him into a hug, pressing her cheek against his chest and smiling.

"I'll teach you everything about singing, my little peppermint." He chuckled and kissed the top of her head as he held her close.

Once they had their little standing up cuddle session, Stu took her up to his recording office and took out some sheets of music. He showed her all the different notes and told her to choose what she would like to do between alto, mezzo soprano, or soprano. She chose what she felt would be most comfortable for her voice and they got to work with Stu playing the notes on his piano while (Y/N) would try to match the pitch. It was the first time a music lesson was generally fun for (Y/N) and she hugged Stu's arm nearly the whole time, not enough to hinder his playing though. Within a few hours of practice, Stu had taught her how to use her diaphragm and the difference between her head and chest voice. That helped with the strain in her voice when she sang, he also taught her some breathing techniques so as to hold a note for longer.

After nearly a whole afternoon and evening of singing practice, (Y/N) was very tired but very happy and gave Stu a long, loving kiss to thank him for helping her iron out such a rough patch as well as letting her move past the bad memories that had kept her from even trying in the first place. As a reward for his lovely teaching, (Y/N) offered to teach him how to cook. And, oh, how fun that went.

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