Merry christmas!

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Day early but who cares we'll all be busy right? Oh stick around for a bit for a present

Merry Christmas everyone and if you don't celebrate Christmas well... what else was there it started with a h but I'm to dumb to spell it.. then there's another one.. well if you celebrate those then happy... that I can't spell it i am very dumb in brain I should have said happy holidays!

You can go if you want cause this next part is just me explaining stuff and ranting... if you don't want that well you can go and have a wonderful day if you want to stick around and hear me out on ranting well go ahead

We had a very... very terrible year but let's make things right cause if I'm discriminated for being a male and being white I don't think I want to be here... maybe this is why I'm antisocial and I hate people... eh who cares that's not even the worst topics of this year

Gays I'm kidding gays are ok i just don't agree with them

Furries that's a different story I'm not gonna talk about cause I still have the cuts on my arm

Protests... alright this isn't a good topic for me to be talking about cause I will say something and everyone will hate but everyone already does so might as well have more hate me.. the BLM protests I no offense but I really don't like it or agree with anything they have done I understand what happened yes the death of you know who but for real though what if it was a white dude that died instead of a black guy things will be different no protests and all cause back then we had slavery yea we don't have a good past with well slavery but doesn't mean we can change the future of our generation... well to be honest our generation is fucked... I'm not a racist person but what I said is what I genuinely believe or think and I can be wrong but that's just me.

Presidential election I'm no political person or know anything about it but it's either orange man or old dude and orange man i don't care for but old dude that's I don't care but worse.

The virus... ah this fucker almost had this virus at one point... I know some people who do have it... i gotta say I really don't care if I have the virus or not if I do I just stay away from people and well I don't think it would effect me that much if I a dirt as a kid heh... ah good times

Well I think that might be all to talk about if not well maybe I'll talk about it but if not then eh remember stay safe stay happy and happy holidays

I wish you my best
To: you
-From: not the best

P.S this present is for all of you

Go ahead open it it's what you wanted don't ask how I know this I am not watching you through your windows.

Go ahead open it it's what you wanted don't ask how I know this I am not watching you through your windows

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