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Does anyone pay attention to my little rambles at the beginning of every story?))

Luz pov

"Hurry! We don't know if she can even last a bit longer!" A muffled voice came out as I could barely hold my eyes open

"I'm trying my hardest Luz is heavier than she looks!"

"I don't care if she's heavier than you imagine just pick up the pace I'm not risking her life because of my stupid crush for her!"

"Damnit mittens I don't care that you think This is your fault it's not! I am tired of you saying it is and we been running for a couple of minutes how about you hold her if I'm to slow for you!"

"If you can barley hold her how the hell am I supposed too!?"

My eyes slowly closing with faint arguing getting more faint

"Where is Ed!"

"How am I supposed to know he just disappeared long ago he's fine" (I actually just didn't want to include him in the story)

"Damnit if he was here it'd be a lot easier"

"We'll get her home don't worry mitte-"

My eyes closed and all sound drowned out.

3rd person pov

The two sisters ran to the owl house Em carrying luz in her arms, both seemed very worried they didn't know what to do both hope the owl lady can help.

The sky darkens as clouds block the sun from shining down on the siblings.

Thunder rumbles from the belly of clouds.

"Hurry I don't think luz could stay in the boiling rains!" Amity said "no one can stay in the boiling rain genius!" Em said as the two see the owl house running as fast as they could to get Luz inside.

Thunder boomed loud and with pride as drops of boiling rain dropped from the sky meeting their fate as they splash onto the ground.

The sisters got luz in and laid her down on the couch.

The owl lady came down to see the two siblings and her student unconscious on the couch "what happened to her?" Eda asked "I'll explain later but help her please I know humans are fragile" amity said as Eda walked over to luz and checked over her "well kiddos she's dead" Eda said with no emotion.

"WHAT!" Both sisters said "don't worry I read about this in a human book something about being a doctor whatever that means just give her a shock she'll be brought back from the dead" Eda said as she grabbed something (anything you can imagine with zap zap idc)

Eda zapped luz about once or twice but nothing "well third times a charm if this doesn't work then she's dead dead" Eda said as she zapped Luz one more time

Luz pov

My eyes shot open and I sat up gasping for air as I look around "wh-what the hell just happened?" I said panicked and feeling out of breath.

"Just brought you back from the dead you're welcome" Eda said as with a smile.

"I died? All I remember was being with amity and she said she had a-..." I look to see amity looking away embarrassed her face was red "she had a to do something with her being grounded and so all this happened" I lied to make amity feel better

"Yes and you are still injured but uh... your bleeding all over my couch... you know how long it takes to get blood of that couch" Eda said as she made a magic circle and a golden glow went over me healing the pain and the hole that had blood and hot wax sealed up "there now get off the couch so I can clean it and the blight sisters can stay as long as they want I don't care if one of the blights did that to you might as well not head back" Eda said as I got off the couch and took amity and Em to my room.

"There's rooms for all of you!" Eda yelled to us so we can they can have a room.

Eda pov

Gotta clean this blood off my fucking couch my expensive couch that I stole this is gonna take forever.

Amity pov

Em split off in her own room as I follow luz to her room.

I enter her room and look around as Luz closed the door and looked at me our eyes locked "amity" Luz says as she took a step closer "you... really love me?" Luz asked "yes luz I do and I love you I go crazy thinking about you" I said as I look down

Oh song time! Songs counting stars, I say this cause I was just listing to it and because well idk I think it fits perfect))

"Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep dreaming about the things we could be (song over I ain't doing the rest it wouldn't match only the first part)

Luz held both my hands as I blush and she smiled a bit as we held each other close.

Without thinking I slowly lean in and kiss luz our lips locked as we (can't really detail it or I'll be on the watchlist of the FBI and well their 14)

After a minute or so me and Luz pull away as we both stare at each other "you're my beautiful princess" luz said as I blushed a bit "and you're my fearless champion, my knight in shining armor" I said with a grin as me and Luz locked our lips again.

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