Our secret Coming out pt 2

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How's everyone's day or night just wondering you know I hope your doing good))


Me and Luz where sitting together not doing much just being lazy and whatnot I really wanted to tell luz I love her but she likes another girl and well only hope I got is well I'm that girl but I don't have luck on my side do I?

Time went by as me and Luz just did stuff together it was getting late and I knew if I'm not back home I wouldn't see the next couple of days.

I told luz I had to go and left to home and I was surprised that it was this late the sun was setting over the water making a beautiful glow that reflected off the water.

"Stop admiring the sunset amity you got to get home" I told myself as I started to jog my way back home.


I arrived home and opened the door

"What the hell are you doing shouldn't you go and be a husband for once!?"

"Well do you stop nagging me bitch? Can't you tell I'm busy with my own thing?"

"Yea playing cards!"

"With my friends open your eyes!"

"Can't believe I even married you!"

"Then don't believe"

I made my way I made my way pass my failed parents fighting with no emotion on my face.

I made my way to my room and plopped onto my bed closing my eyes.

Why can't I have normal parents why do I have to be a adopted why do I have to stuck with two of the worst people ever...

Those where my last thoughts as I fell asleep.

Weeks later

"Many weeks has passed and me and luz hasn't Changed still friends but I don't want to be her friend I want to be more than a friend to her I want to be her lover but I doubt it will happen" I wrote into my diary and closed it and hid it away under my bed.

I took a deep sigh as I close my eyes to rest.

I didn't sleep nor felt tired I just had this feeling deep down I wanted to come out... was coming out now a good idea?

Is coming out at all a good idea? I'm gonna regret it but I'll do it.

Yeah... kinda do regret telling my friends I finally found someone to love... So what Tyler at least I got someone to love me, you lonely bastard... gonna wait till he figures out I write fan fiction then he gonna try and embarrass me and read them and find this... but fr tho Tyler fuck you, you think you can embarrass me with that you better hope I don't find your music playlist we'll talk about me writing stories another time and if your Some reader like everyone else I am sorry you had to read that it's just friends fighting don't worry bout it we all hate each other but that's the wonderful way to say friends))

With faint yelling from my parents from downstairs I sigh as I put on music to listen too.

Pick Any song you like my music ain't amity music))

The music played shutting out the voices of my parents my mind slowly came up with thoughts to entertain me most of them where luz and I and others was me coming out and both where things I really wanted to talk about but who can I tell Boscha? I'd rather die Skara? No Luz I told her about coming out but my love I don't want to push it... em? Maybe... maybe...

The day went by slowly I got out of bed and went walked out of my room and went to Em's room and slowly opened the door "mittens what did we talk about opening my door without knocking?" Em said as she looked up from her scroll to face me "we need to talk" I said "ugh fine make it quick and it better be lovey dovey type if not I'm kicking you out of my room" Em said as I nod as I get close to her "I'm...." thoughts of not saying it swirled around my head and without thinking "I'm gay" I blurted

Em smiled "aww amity finally figured out she's gay!" Em squealed happily as she got up and hugged me tightly

"Mittens is what?" Ed said as he peeked his head in "no boys" Em said as she tossed a book that hit Ed in the face and he left

"I'm glad you came out and figured out what you like... so you really fell in love with luz?" Em said "yea i fell deep for her" I said with a smile "alright you can come in when ever you want if you want to talk about luz and whatnot it's our little secret" Em said "our secret" I repeated.

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