Home that isn't home

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This picture shows so many emotions that can't be described))

The day went by slowly me willow and Gus talking to each other but even that has to end when the school bell yells at us giving us a clear sign school is over.

Me and willow stuck together as Gus ran off on his own (poor Gus hope he don't die... Na I'm kidding I won't do that to him)

"So Luz.." willow said as I looked at her "hmm?" I hummed at her "well I know today has been rough" willow said looking at the ground "everything can't be perfect" I said crossing my arms as we Both stop to look at each other "well I was wondering if you'd I don't know if you want to come I know it wouldn't be the best... but it's if you want to come what I'm saying is" willow was stammering trying to find her words "would you like to come over and hang out?" Willow asked as I gave her a smile "of course I do" I said with happiness.

Amity pov

I break off with Boscha and skara they went there ways I went mine and I end up in a home that doesn't feel like home to me... not like it use too...

I grab hold of the doorknob and hesitated to turn it knowing what's on the other side of the door "belos have mercy on me" I said to myself as I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob and punched the door open.

"Are you serious!"

"Yeah I'm serious what do you want can't I have peace for once!?"

"Yea tell that to whoever you cheating on me with"

"Oh bring up her when do I actually have respect in this house cause I know you and that failure of a kid we adopted amity doesn't respect me!"

"Cause I'm not the one sleeping with another women! Do you honestly think I can respect you for that i don't even respect amity!"

I walk through my 'parents' arguing when I first was adopted they seemed like actually parents but I came to learn they are as twisted and corrupted than they seem to be they may look nice but they are the opposite of that..

I hate this house so much.

I walk up the stairs and to my room to lay down where my only escape from this terrible hell house was books.

I pick up a book and opened it and started to read.

Short I think but think of it as a sneak peek to what my character development will be for Amity at home))

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