Coming out pt1

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This story wouldn't be a thing if I never thought of it which I didn't... well either way give it up for Avthen For giving us a story to look forward to shall we she or he... they? Are the ones that gave me not the idea but the concept of this story you are about to read and I got to say I don't know how to Write it but I'll definitely try my best))

Amity pov

Weeks later

I was in bed with the thought of Luz and many others that involve Luz

What if I kiss her?

What if we dated?

What if we got married?

Those thoughts circled my head as I couldn't think it was late and I can't sleep when I have the thoughts in my head...

After minutes of the countless thoughts it finally clicked "I'm gay... and I'm so in love with luz..." I said to myself trying to deny the fact I'm gay and the person I'm in love with was the girl I hated a couple of weeks ago..

I closed my eyes trying to sleep but all I could see was luz I'm very In love..

After countless thoughts of Luz I finally found peace and fell asle-

Next day

The next day it was a Saturday I woke up took a shower got dressed and whatnot and left the house going to the owl house to talk to luz.

It took me a bit to get there but once I got there I smiled as I knocked on the door.

Why no hooty? I ain't In the mood to do hooty and hear his voice when I reread this ok I just woke up))

The door opened and my smile grew bigger but to only shrink smaller when Eda stood in front of me "your that kid luz hangs out with.... what was your name... ah forget it come in" Eda said moving out the way letting me in "luz is in her room doing.... human stuff I don't know" Eda said as she walked over to their couch and fell on top of it with king under her

"Help me! Aaahg let me go you monster! Aaahahah!" King squealed as he tired to get away from the witch that fell on him.

I didn't think much of it and ran upstairs before something more weird happens.

I got upstairs and went to Luz's room other than king sequels for help it was quiet.

I opened the door to see luz on her... thing i think she called it her phone.

Luz looked at me and smiled putting her phone down "hey amity what's up?" Luz said "nothing much just came to talk to you and whatnot you know mess around having fun" I said with a smile as I get closer and notice a crumpled peace of paper on her desk

I picked up the paper I opened it to blush to see that it was my drawing I made weeks ago "hey luz where did you get this?" I said waving the back of the paper in between my fingers "found it in the bathroom long ago never knew what was inside why?" Luz said "oh it's mine it was just a list of chores..." I lied as luz nod slowly "oh" she said as she made some room on her bed for me.

I sat with luz and I couldn't think "so what's new?" Luz asked "ah nothing much maybe..." my mind couldn't think "luz I'm gay" I blurted out luz smiled "you are too?" She said wrapping her arm around me making me blush

"You like girls too?" I said surprised and with hope that we could be a thing.

"Yea well I like girls and guys but yea" luz said with a smile.

"How do you come out... you know like how do you tell people your... gay" I asked "don't know I never came out really... cause I'm not sure about who I like I mean there is this one girl but uh.. um.. she's not important right now" with the hope I had felt it been struck down and hung from a rope the only hope there was is if I was the girl "but maybe try coming out to your siblings first It should help" luz suggested as I nod "alright thanks but when?" I said "you come out when you are ready" luz said reassuring me with a tight hug.

I would have done the entire script but I think it's better if I did like a two Parter hope that's ok Avthen ))

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