Old souls old bloods new end

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Sorry for the wait my simps and my pimps I've been busy with trying to entertain myself... Kinda hard when it's just me in my room trying to do something but I'm here my babies don't worry))

Months later

Me and Luz really gotten well and to be honest i love her more than ever now we get to spend more time together of course she loves me too it's great she is everything I imagined she'd be!

It was Saturday nothing to out of the ordinary just me and Luz spending time together having fun

"Hey amity let's go out into town and do something!" Luz said happily "alright let's go"


I'm really tired rn so it's gonna be a bit short I think idk but everything is rushed cause I'm tired I need sleep and I feel overworked by the stuff I'm trying to do))

Me and Luz where in town just walking around looking at stuff "cmon amity we gotta do somthin fun!" Luz said bored "alright fine let's go do something" I said as we look around for something fun

"Hey you two how'd you escape that basement" Boscha said as she came from no where going straight to me and "easy it's called brains something you don't have" luz sassed "luz we shouldn't be doing this" I said to Luz "yea but I need some action! Some fun!" Luz said with a grin "luz I don't like this" I said worried thinking of every terrible thing that can happen.

"Shut it amity let me and Luz talk this out in the way the humans say.. the old fashioned way" Boscha said as she cracked her knuckles "so it's a fight? What do I have to lose" luz said... me she'll lose me if she... you know dies

I'm gonna skip the fight to tired to overworked and what not))

Boscha fell to the ground unconscious as Luz stood there with a bloody nose "that's enough fun for today eh?" Luz said with a smile I smiled back "yea" I said as me and Luz walk back to the owl house.


8:57 PM

Me and Luz sat outside in the dark looking at the night sky. With smiles on our faces as we kissed under the night sky.

The smell of smoke and fire polluted the air as we see a guest smoke cloud in the sky as me and Luz went to it.

As we arrived there we saw the blight manor in flames as me and Luz stood there knowing nothing bad can ever happen to us in a while..

The end

It's rushed I'm tired and something came up and I might start a gambling addiction so uh... next time you see me this bloodhound got a sky dive emote... you guys don't... nvm))


Avthen  thanks for everything you gave to the story if there's anything I can do I'll do it

Flame_tailUwU  thanks for inviting me to the discord I appreciate it

wolves260  you didn't do much but hell you just gotta vote to make it featured

That's all I know for now thanks for sticking around by the time this is out i have another story out so check it out if you want I love you all

Yours truly
Not the best

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