Happy new year

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Am I late to it? Ah fuck it it's 3:51 AM oh at the end of this there are cookies for everyone so take a cookie on the way out.

Well my friends my non talking Friends yes I'm talking about you too we've had a rough year and well it was just a entire terrible thing but thing about the good that came out the year for you we could have had the best days the best friends even a girlfriend... ah I took it to far and now I'm bragging... but then you had your bad days and trust me at the end of 2020 I had a bad day I cut myself with a can and lost a lot of blood don't ask how it is what is.

Anyone wanna share their New Years resolutions... anyone don't be shy I'm talking about the ones that don't talk.

My New Years resolution is trying to be more productive on my stories but who actually wants to do their New Years so it's probably just me but I might be around longer being me.

Oh and don't worry about the next story it's coming I'm just a bit distracted by playing what looks to be fallout 76... I must hate myself..

And the story don't worry our dearest Avthen got the idea so give hers some praise and love cause if it wasn't for her I'm still brain dead trying to figure out 1+1 so please show some love even if you don't do anything just think about her/him whatever avthen well not like that but as thank you.

I hope we can have a good year I hope nothing bad happens to all of you guys and well I hope even if it's a bad year I hope that you guys stick with me and have fun with me being a fool.

I think that's a good note to end it on.

I love you all
I am thankful for you all
I wish you my best
From not the best
Take care
Be safe
Be happy
See you soon.

I love you all I am thankful for you allI wish you my best From not the best Take careBe safeBe happy See you soon

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