A not so serious A/N

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Anyone wanna be apart of my new discord? Cause the last one feels like it's breaking apart and if it does... I need others to rely on... who am I kidding I'm talking to readers that don't talk back it's like a brick wall idk i get bored and lonely and I ain't saying that as a feel bad join now thing cause I can manage through it I can but it's just easier with friends... well people I call friends...

I ain't saying you have too but.. it would be nice but I'm not trying to make people join as I already said I just don't want to be the guy that forces it through emotion but you understand what I mean right? I hope you do cause I'm to brain dead to figure out how to explain it...

But if you chose to join don't be afraid just give me a name and I'll invite you.... but it has to be your choice cause I ain't making anyone joining it's just.. you know your choice to join if you don't it's fine by me and I'll still make the stories either way.

Oh think of it as a marking campaign I try to have people join my discord for no reason... well one reason is cause I'm lonely and need someone to talk with. But I said this like 4 times already i don't want to force you I don't have you at gunpoint just saying if you want to join go ahead if not it's fine... I should have done this better... well cya next time everyone I'll get back to work on the stories take care everyone

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