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I got out of my bed and put my book down and walked out my room I hear my parents still fighting downstairs I don't pay attention to their yelling as I walk down the hallway to a door and I slowly open it to have em in her bed on her scroll going through penstagram "get out of my room mittens" Em said without lookin at me "I need your help" I shyly said as she sighed and put down her scroll and sat up looking at me.

I took a deep breath taking a step closer "do you uh... how do I put this.." I stammered trying to find my words "spill it mittens before I kick you my room" Em said "how do I know If your gay!" I blurted out causing em to look down with a sigh "what makes you think that I know?" She said looking back up at me "well you and viney" I said shyly but as I said it em got pissed off "look I was with her once I wasn't even dating her!" She said angered but she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled "look you'll know when you know" Em explained "yeah but is there signs to know that I am?" I asked "yes there is but it's hard well for me at least.." Em said as she stood up and walked to me and got on her knee to the same height as me "who do you have these thoughts of?" Em said placing her hand on my shoulder. I felt my face warm up as I look down "l-luz the human..." I said with Shame In my voice "the human? That human girl that I've seen around? The girl that wears that cat hoodie?" Em said shocked "y-yea her" I said still shame in my voice "I think you two would be perfect together what would your power couple be called? Amiluz? Or lamity? Ooh! How about lumity?" Em said as with a smile on her face "lumity doesn't sound bad" I said with a smile "but how do I... confess or even have her as a friend? "Well I Can't help with that that's for you to do I can't help with it I don't know anything about her... and also how is the relationship between you two?" Em asked as I sighed "bully and non popular..." I told Em as she thinks "well good luck with that" Em said as she stood back up and stretched "now get out of my room and make sure you close the door on the way out" Em said as she hopped onto her bed as I turn around and left the room closing the door with the sound of my parents still fighting coming back as I walk back to my room.

The next day

I woke up and grabbed my clothes from my closet and made my way to the bathroom.

As I got there I closed the door and took shower (no detail there cause if I do well I'll be on the FBI watch list)

After my shower I got dressed brushed my teeth and all that after I was ready I went out the bathroom and made my way to the front door and opened it.

The sunlight shined bright on me as the fresh cold air hit me I had a smile on my face and I went outside and closed the front door and made my way to school I never understood why people hate school I get some part of it but I was fine with it.


I finally arrived to school and I went inside to see the halls flooded with people I smile as this is the only place other than the library where I'm safe from my parents..

I join In the crowd as I made my way to my locker...

Unintelligible talking filled the halls of the school.

I got to my locker and opened it and grabbed what I need.

I saw a hand in the corner of my eye as the hand grabbed the locker next to mine and opened it I turn to see luz right next to me.

She looked at me our eyes locked into each other my heart started beating as I stare into the golden brown abyss of her eyes she gave me a small smile and she closed her locker and left my heart started to calm down as I look back to my open locker thinking to myself.

Why is she cute? I might be gay... no no no I can't I can't be more of a failure than I already am there's no way I'll be accepted home...

I grabbed a little notebook and closed my locker and left to meet up with Boscha and Skara.

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