The new girl

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Wow we are going way way back huh? Well let's change the future a bit shall we my sinners? Let's go!))

Oh this story is mostly just me ranting to myself cause... I need human conversations... I'm human..))

Luz's pov

Today is my first day at hexside!! This will be fun! Well I hope I don't see amity.. but I kinda do... I mean she might not be a fan of me but..... I could change our... terrible relationship who knows it starts at 8:00 and it's already 7:52 i got time... wait "7:52!" I yelled out as I grabbed what I needed and burst out the owl house as fast as I could.. hopefully today will be great..

I do have butterflies in my stomach and to be honest I might throw up some blood I don't know I'm nervous (been there it hurts... a lot)

Besides me being a nervous reck I'm also very excited to be there! New girl new place new school... new world...

Amity's pov

"Amity who do you hate the most?" Skara asked with a smile "we all know the human right? That girl that always seems to bother me one way or another? Like a pest I hate her the most she's so... annoying" I told Skara as Boscha nods "she always seems to get into your personal life not ours she's way more intrigued into you" Boscha said.

Intrigued that ain't even in my vocabulary and I still used it correctly... I think... I don't know my vocabulary is messed up I haven't sorted it out so all there is left is just something dumb like "Luigi"))

"Isn't she coming to hexside today?" Skara said with "wait what!" I yelled my worst nightmares well my second or third worst nightmare that is coming true!

"Yeah she is a registered student.. you never heard about it?" Boscha informed "no when and where cause I don't know to that at all! She's gonna bother me... all year!" I panicked "don't worry amity if she gets close she will regret it besides she's messing with a popular girls all she'd have would be half a witch willow and no one likes her.. well maybe someone...Hehe" Boscha said seeming a bit off at the end "girl you lost me at the end but yeah she can't do anything she's just a new girl and think of it this way she's human she can't do magic" Skara said with a reassuring smile "no she can do magic I seen it before but it's strange she uses paper for magic it's weird" I told them

"Well either way don't worry about her amity if she gets to close I'll beat her up
For you" Boscha said with a grin "yeah yeah ok be my guest but if she somehow beats you don't get mad" I joked.


Girl talk I know little about it cause I'm a dude but it works like dudes talking right do they joke about some messed up stuff? Do girls have that dark of humor... probably right? Idk I only seen guys joke with that type stuff... eh hopefully they do cause if they don't well it's gonna be like London... ah London to hell with her and to hell with me I have a... strange way of thinking as my friends say I'm "built different" don't understand it much the way I think? Tyler you ain't reading this but is it cause I'm dumber than Patrick star?))

School started and me and my friends went into class sitting across from luz "hey amity watch this" Boscha said as she grabbed a pencil and flicked it hitting the back of Luz's head I chuckle slightly and Skara smiled as Boscha kept going

Luz pov

Well I guess I figured out the bullies of this school... amity and her friends... and they have to sit behind me... maybe I should just be that quiet kid with the stuff in the backpack (Ight I shouldn't be joking about that if you know you know)

Well other than willow and Gus I hope I can make more friends or if I can make more friends... this is gonna be a tuff year... or how long I can last in the isles..


It was lunch time me willow and Gus where sitting together talking "so luz how is your first day?" Gus asked "figured out who the bullies are.." I said with a straight face "ah Boscha amity and Skara" willow said "not really Skara she just hangs out with them she ain't a bully willow I never seen it" Gus defended Skara "there's a word in my word for people like you Gus" (we all the word right?)

"What's the word?" Gus asked "not gonna tell it's uh.. not a good look for you" I said trying to get Gus off my back about the word

"Well amity wasn't always like this she use to be like the author when he was young before he realized everything wasn't as happy as it use to be" willow said (now wait a damn second)

"I don't see it she looks like a bully to me and she is I don't see her happy nor wanting to care" I said as look at willow with the sight of amity Boscha and Skara walking in talking to each other.

"She can be nice I know she can" willow defended her statement "I know she can but look" I said turning willow's head to face amity "she's around bad influences and well you know she has been with them for a long time right?" I said "right" willow repeated after me "if she wants to be nice she'll have to hang out with people like us" Gus said with a smile "Gus let's be honest here who likes us? Amity she as sure as hell doesn't" willow said with A sigh "willow is right" Boscha said as she sat with us...

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