I looked towards Star who still slept in the well. It's been an hour since we found her here.
I thought about what everyone said, I want to marry Star.
The demon is gone now, I can do as I please. I don't have to imagine I'm with Star anymore. I'm with her now, I want to be with her always.
I opened stars phone, which I've been borrowing,
Where to by engagement rings
I looked through a whole bunch, none of them really caught my eye. It had to be a perfect setting, a perfect night, a perfect day, a perfect ring.
I looked at Star again, our cheeks stared glowing as a reached for her.
"Star..." I climbed into the well not caring what glossaryck said.
I held Stars cheek in my hand, "Star?" Picked her face up towards me. Realizing she wasn't breathing.

"Glossaryck what the hell did you do to Star!" Marco knocked down the door to the common room, soaking wet and carrying Star in his arms.
Their cheeks are glowing.
"Marco, you finally took her out. Give her a kiss" glodsaryck stuffed a burrito in his mouth as he used magic on my tummy.
"what do you mean kiss her? She isn't breathing! This isn't some fairy tail!" Marco yelled some more.
"Just trust the magic man" Ferguson said.
"Trust the magic? TRUST THE MAGIC. That's what got us in this mess in the first place" Marco was furious.
"Marco just kiss her! You're cheeks are glowing too! That must mean something" Tom exclaimed.
"She's in a Mewberty form what if-."
Jackie suddenly pulled out a weapon, "just kiss her to wake her up, that's all you have to do Marco."
We followed her lead. I stood from my seat and slowly made my way towards the stupid man.
"She's are captain, we need her awake just as much as you do." Alfonzo was almost in tears.
"I hate turning on a friend, Marco. But it had to come to this" I said, "as first mate, and temporary captain, I order you to kiss Star or face us"
"Fine" he sighed and sat down with Star on his lap.
Marco faced stars face towards him and hesitated for a moment.
After a the kiss stars Mewberty form went away.
A big gasp of air was heard.
"Where am I?" Star asked "hey hey! Put down you're weapons, this is a common room not a 'let's kill room.'"
A mixture of everyone yelling her name was heard.
"Good to have ya back for real star" I held out my hand to help her up.
"Janna you know you should take it easy" she got up herself, off of Marcos lap.
"What ya still doin on the floor Marco?" Star turned to the defeated Marco.
He looked to all of us, "nothing Star, glad you're okay" he smiled, and held stars hand as she flew around greeting everyone.
"Stars legs, they seem to be a bit numb. That's why she's flying. She's gonna need a healer or some physical therapy." Glossaryck told me.
"Makes sense, I'm a good healer myself. I give me a list of things and I'll have Tom get them for me" I told Glossaryck.
"Here Tom, go do your girlfriends dirty work" Glossaryck summoned a list of items and gave it to Tom.
"Anything for my Janna and...Layla?" Tom replied.
"But what if it's a boy?" I smirked.
"Hmm Still thinking about that" Tom then kissed my belly and went off.
"Care for popcorn with pickles?" Glossaryck offered me.
"Don't mind if I do" I shared a tub of popcorn with glossaryck while talking with people around me.

I've been observing star all day, her aura is powerful.
"Just like the good old days" I told Tom.
"Huh what?"
"Oh Nothing" I patted his back while rubbing pie crumbs on him.
"Ugh janna, I just had this shirt cleaned"
"Well now it's not, you- OH MY GOD" everyone stared at me.
"The baby, I felt a slight kick."
"A baby kicking? Now?" Glossaryck checked my stomach.
"Well I'm about 3-4 months along so I would be surprised." I replied.
"This is a demon human baby you're carrying janna. They tend to come out fully developed at 5-6 months. But a human, well I can't say" glossaryck observed my stomach.
"Oh right, Mewmans and humans are different" Tom remembered.
"Oh now you remind me" I felt furious, "what if I lose this baby, it's a piece of us! I can't and I won't, Tom!" I looked around to everyone staring.
"I'm gonna get some air"

I sat outside, rubbing my stomach.
"What should your name be? Hmm"
"I'm thinking Salem" Tom came up to us.
"It's a boys and girls name. And it's like that town on earth with all the dead witches" Tom sat down next to me.
"Baby Salem huh?" I looked at my stomach.
"We should tell your parents" Tom looked to me.
"You know the royal guards are on earth. It's hard to see them." I looked towards the sea.
"How bout a costume?" Tom suggested.
"A costume?"
"Yea isn't Christmas in a few days?"
"Oh I can dress as the weird Santa that comes down the street" I replied.
"Or Christmas carolers" Tom said.
"Nah I like my idea, plus either way Mewman knights are kinda derpy" I shrugged.
"How are most of them still alive?" Tom laughed.
"Who even knows" I laughed along with him. I then calmed down and looked at him.
"Tom, I want this baby, our baby. A want the little dude to grow up in the castle or on earth. With us." I grabbed his hand.
"Janna, I want the same." Tom got down in one knee. In his hand held a ruby spider ring, it shone in the moon light.
"It turns pink during the da-."
I jumped on stopped his sentence with a kiss.
"Tom shut up already"
"I only said like one sentence" Tom put the ring on my finger.
"Let's go show star!"

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