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"Mornin, Star" I awoke to Marco in my face.
"I see the cuffs work wonders, you can't harm me or my crew" I closed my eyes.
"yea, you locked me up with my own cuffs." Marco said.
"Better then being dead, or tied up. At least you can move your arms and walk around freely." I sighed and got out of bed, walking over to my dresser, still nude of course.
"And I can't leave the ship either, I know you don't gotta tell me. couldn't you have gotten dress last night?" Marco blushed and looked away.
"Well we were busy last night and I was tired and didn't feel like putting clothes on." I said as I got dressed, "either way you're stuck in my room until I unlock my door and leave."
"And How long is that gonna take?" Marco sat on my bed.
"Eh, I don't know maybe I should just portal up on deck." I said as I went into mewberty form.
"Star, I don't wanna be stuck here all day!"
"It's either here or a prison cell-."
"Or up on deck" Janna Interrupted, she has opened my door some how.
"Janna!" I exclaimed
"Let's go Diaz" Janna said as she dragged him outside.

I left my room and went to the map room. So far Ferguson and Alfonzo go us a whole 3 days ahead of schedule, I'm glad we did the sailing shifts. we will get there around 2-3 days now.
"Hey Star" I turned to see Ferguson
"We want to talk about the course" Alfonzo got straight to the point.
"Alrighty, let's talk then"


"Where's star going?" I asked as I followed Janna and spotted Star.
"Probably to do captain things" Janna shrugged.
"When will she join us?"
"Who knows"
"Hey Janna, we got word from, hey Marco" i turned to see Jackie and her girlfriend.
"We got word from You know who, she said that the distressed princess is currently on the run. We have dimensional coordinates to give to star" Jackie's Girlfriend added.
"She's in the only room you'll find her in"
"The bar?"
"No the mapping room"
"That makes much more sense" Jackie laughed a bit.
"Anyway Marco, you are gonna help me with some maintenance."
"Lemme guess, work you or no one wants to do?"
"You're so smart Marco."

We came across a room, it was filled with junk.
"This room has to be clean, now you can't use portals so I gotta help throw the trash out" Janna sighed.
"What's this room going to be for?"
"We don't know yet, we want a separate shower room from the men though. So maybe a new shower room." Janna pulled up a chair and sat down.
"So, how are things" I attempted small talk as I started to clean.
"eh" Janna replied as she read a magazine.
How to expect the upcoming little bastard
"What's with the baby book?" I asked
"Eh" Janna replied.
what a boring day this is going to become.

"Okay Marco let's go get some lunch" Janna suddenly stood up. I dropped everything and ran after her.
"We didn't even have breakfast, I'm starved."
"I had breakfast? You didn't? It's free for the crew" Janna said.
"I was trapped in stars room"
"Oh rightt"
"Is Star going to be in there?"
"I don't know, maybe? She's probably gonna take her lunch up to the mapping room. I do know that our sailing shift starts at 5-11pm." Janna opened the door and we were met with quite a few people.
"Hey Janna, over here!" It was Prince Tom. I spotted Star sitting at the table with Jackie and a few others. Three chairs were left open at their table.
"Your highness? You're with the Princess on your spare time?" I asked.
"No marco, I'm with Janna" Tom walked over to Janna they went to the table together.
"Marco! Come sit!" Alfonzo yelled over to me.
I sat between him and Ferguson. It was the closest seat to Star.

"And then! The serpent shot outta the water and towered over me! I jumped higher and stabbed its eye out!" Katrina exclaimed.
"And I've never been prouder!" Buff-frog hugged Katrina.
"High cheers for Katrina's first Mission!" Star cheered. She went over to buff frogs table a while ago to hear the story. Although everyone could hear it.
"So Star how many people are on the ship?" I asked her
"That's confidential, until I can actually trust you Diaz."
"These are just the main people though, most go on missions or adventures often. Really the ship is just for fun" Alfonzo added.
"It is fun being pirates, we are like Robin Hood" Jackie said as she ate her burger.
"And I thought America was fun, this is much more interesting than earth" Chloe smiled.
"We get to help the ladies" Ferguson said with a smolder.
The whole time we were there, Janna and Tom were talking amongst themselves. Though I couldn't understand their language.
"I'll see ya later Tom" Janna ruffled Toms hair, "let's go Diaz, you still got work to do"
"Janna can you take over what I'm doin? I'll watch Marco for a while" Star suddenly asked.
"sure, gets me outta the cold"
"It's 80* outside!" I yelled.
"yea, cold."

Star and I walked in silence the whole way there.
"Janna has you cleaning this?" Star said with her arms crossed.
"Yea, it's seems to be a big room"
"there's actually loads of rooms in this boat, it just looks small from the outside."
"How many rooms?"
"I'm not really sure, I just know everyone has a key to their own dimensional room. Shower rooms and conventional rooms are for everyone."
"So you bought a whole dimension just for everyone to have private rooms?"
"More like created with magic. That's why I can't really use a lot now, it takes a lot to make a dimension" Star giggled and started helping me clean.

We ended up sitting down next to each other for a small break.
"At least we can see the back wall of the room" I joked.
"This room would make a good woman's bathhouse"
"You guys have a bathhouse in on the boat?" I asked.
"Where do you think we get the money from?"
"I thought you guys stole from people?"
"So you think we are thieves, if anything we donate some of our money to the people of Mewni and others in need. So we are like-."
"Robin Hood?"
"Haha you got that right"
We sat in silence and stared at the other wall for a while.
Soon Star seemed to dose off, her head falling in different directions until she placed her head on my shoulder.

Being with her now, reminds me of when we were together. The Princess of Mewni and a knight in training. The dumb knight in training, who took a job promotion in exchange for his only love.
I'm glad she doesn't love Tom.
I want to be here with her.
I need her to be mine
I need her to help me save Mewni.

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