46 2 4

Hours earlier


"Come on! You call that a pull up!" I yelled.
"It's the best I got!" Ethan yelled as he struggled to pull up while a goat pig was on his legs.
"Hi sweetie, I'm going out for a while" Star kissed me on the cheek
"Okay Star I'll see ya at the party, love" i kissed the top of her head and resumed yelling at Ethan.

"Hey Marco" Ethan caught my attention while eating his spaghetti.
"Yea what's up?" I asked
"Thanks, Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I wanna be able to do anything I can for you and Star. I can't do that when I'm weak as I am now" Ethan said.
"No problemo muchacho" i patted him on the back. He smiled and continued eating.
"You know I'm not gonna loosen up on you" I added.
"Yea I know" he sighed

"So now what are we gonna do?" He asked as we went back in the Matt room.
"Take this" I threw him a wooden sword.
"Now up to the docks" I ordered
"Right now?"
"NOW GO GO GO!" I yelled at him.
"Going!" He yelled as he bolted outta the room.
I quickly chased after him catching up quickly I jabbed at his leg, hoping to trip him
"Wait!" He exclaimed as he tried running faster
"I didn't spend 16 years in the Neverzone for nothin!" I yelled as I caught him and made him start all over.

"It's almost time for the party" I pointed out As we took a small break.
"What time is it?" Ethan asked after he finished chugging his water
"5ish" I replied, "anyway you're dripping with sweat, go shower and relax for a couple hours" I got up and put up the wooden swords
"The party is at 6 or 7 right?"
"Yep, use this so you won't bruise" I told him as I gave him an ointment made by the crew's physicians.
"Wow thanks Marco" Ethan smiled
"Bro there's blood in you teeth, how hard did you hit that floor?" I asked
"Well I'm 160 pounds so I suppose pretty fuckin hard" he said as he gave me a thumbs up.


"Janna and Tom quickly approaching!" Katrina yelled as we barely finished wrapping the last gift.
"Canons ready everyone?" I exclaimed
"Aye!" Everyone had their hands on the canon string
The doors opened.
"SURPRISE! ITS A BOY!" Everyone yelled as blue smoke and confetti filled the common room.
"Damn someone owes me money" Janna said as she went to the other side of the room to reveal a chalkboard With names and tally's.
"Aw Did Tom want a girl" I pointed out his name on the board.
There were mixtures of groans and people saying "Janna definitely did some witchy shit so she can win."
"A little bit yea" he sighed as he forked over 50 dollars to janna.
"You too Marco, cough it up" Janna said
"Uggh fine" Marco gave up $50 as well.

Janna spent a while collecting people's debt and giving people their money that they won.
"Okay what's next" Janna said as she put all her money in a pocket of Toms.
"Depends are you hungry? Or was presents?" I asked
"Eh let's do both so we can party already" Janna said as she made her way to the specific seating area for her and Tom.
Before Tom sat down he got some food and dessert for Janna and brought it to her.
"Hey Janna! Want something to drink?" Marco asked.
"Kool aid!" Janna exclaimed
"Do we even have kool aid?" Marco asked me.
"I think the barkeep has some" Ethan said
"Hm then let's go" Marco said as he and Ethan went.
"Okay presents! This one is from me and Marco" I started off with my gift to jannas
"dude this is so awesome! I'm so glad you got this! Now I don't have to have a little monster sucking on my-."
"NEXT PRESENT!" Tom exclaimed
"From Buff family"

After opening presents, janna was actually moved to tears knowing that the crew cares for her.
"Thank you so m-much! I want another kid! J-Just for the free things" Janna cried
"Oh there's our Janna" Marco laughed
"Shut it Marco! I'm h-having a moment!" Janna threw cake directed at Marco but of course he used Ethan as a shield
"I'm not a human shield you know!" Ethan exclaimed as he put cake on Marco
"Why I outta!" Marco then grabbed my cake and smashed it in ethans face.
"FOOD FIGHT!" jackie yelled while throwing her pie at Alfonzo.
I immediately got into mewberty form and summoned cupcakes to throw. That's when I saw a ominous glow from the horizon. We were already 5 hours away from the island.
Something told me this small moment of joy was fleeting.
The door bursted open causing everyone to go silent.
"Captain! We have a problem!" Chloe yelled.

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