There was a salty strong wind this early morning, i had a gut feeling that told me something was going to happen. I wasn't sure wether if it was good or bad. my crew trusted me my best bet was to follow that instinct.
We've been sailing for months, headed west from Mewni. my first mate, Janna Ordonia, often suggests on places to go and keeps track of where the Royal Navy was and is located. this time we were in the clear to stop at a market for supplies.

When we got to the docks of Astro island, a trading market a long distance away from Mewni, we had the crew load up supplies, which we went out and bought. Afterwards I let everyone go do what they want, we weren't going to leave anytime soon. I don't enjoy being in complete control, they often insisted.
"Hey captain, let's hit up the tavern. I'm sure they'll have your favorite" Janna coxed me into buying her a food.
When we walked into the tavern, all eyes were turned to us, whispers could be heard in every direction. we ignored their actions but kept our guard up, after taking a seat at the bar and ordering they stopped.
Different men left and entered the tavern, I kept track to be sure.
"Have you've been starved?" I asked Janna.
"Not at all star, just really hungry. Oo a cheesecake"
"I don't have that much money! You're gonna run me dry!" I exclaimed.
"Then ya better-."
"Princess Star Butterfly, funny finding you in a rotten place like this" I turned to see a familiar face.
"Lieutenant Marco Diaz, you know I don't go by that name anymore." I took a sip of my drink.
"Well Princess by order of Queen Moon, I have to bring you home to be married to Prince of the underworld." He walked towards me. I pulled him close to my face using his coat.
With our faces barely inches apart, "I'll like to see you try." I whispered.
Pushing him back into a table, I ran. I would've ran with Janna but before I even knew it she was gone.
"You can't escape me this time, Princess!" Marco was on my tail.
I went into my mewberty form for a quick escape. Flying above the sky I was set to believe I lost the Lieutenant, but he soon popped up on a dragon cycle.
"You know Lieutenant, this happens almost every month or two. It always has the same out come." I flew in a relaxed position.
"Don't get too comfy now, Princess"
"Ah, well this time to prevent more situations like this. I'm taking you as my prisoner" I teased.
"Impossible, you remember Kelly right? She'll most likely save me." He said. I rolled my eyes, for Kelly was on my side.
"Hey nachos, do you want a treat?" I summoned a dragon cycle snack and threw it as far as the eye can see. Nachos then bolted after it, knocking Marco off and falling towards the islands beach.
I quickly went his falling body, "need a lift?"
"Dirty trick, for a dirty princess" Marco said right before I punched him, knocking him out.
In the past, he'd just let me go. But this time I found a set of magic blocking hand cuffs on his person. He was going to capture me this time, if given the chance.

We had a history, Marco and I, we were in love. However, when a arranged marriage was set in place for me. Marco was given a title of Lieutenant of the Mewni Knights. He ended things between us probably hoping I'll fall in love with Tom Lucitor prince of the underworld once again. Our marriage was to make amends with our two kingdoms, but the both of us had other people in mind. Tom fell in love with the odd but beautiful Janna, and I was still in love with Marco. We escaped the wedding, he went to a different dimension and I sailed the seas. Tom visits Janna often. Tom and I were both 20 at the time of our wedding, 3 years later and here we are.

Being with Marco now, it only makes my heart pound. I've only ever wanted to be with him since I first met him when I was traveling dimensions with the Queen and King back when I was 17.
As I flew back to the ship I, bound his hands with rope. I can't forget how deadly Marco is, or the reason he was bumped up to a Lieutenant.
"What's with the body?" Janna asked
"We have a prisoner." I set him down on the deck.
"We're bring him?" Janna exclaimed.
"It's bring him, or have him after us. He's becoming more deadly to have him hunt us." I crossed my arms.
"I'll have Jackie prepare a cell" Janna said
"sounds good"

I stared at marcos face for a while. For a 24 year old he is hot, still. I've never been able to observe his face for the past 3 years like I am now. Marco seems so at peace, minus the fact that there is a huge mark where I punched him. That can be healed with a little bit of magic I learned from a chapter of the book.
After healing Marco, his face looked much better. I place my hand on his prickly face.
"Marco you need to shave" I said under my breath.
"Maybe I do need to shave, Star my love. I'll shave just for you, because I love you Star!" Janna mimicked Marco.
"JANNA! How long have you been there!"
"Only long enough to watch you almost kiss Marco, and touch his face a bunch of times" Janna teased.
"I did NOT almost kiss him" I exclaimed
"Actually, we saw the whole thing." Chloe said.
"Come one star, we gotta take him to the cell." Jackie winked.
"Nah, I got it." Janna pushed us away, "just make sure to read the map right Star, and Jackie don't get too crazy with Chloe. It's not night yet" Janna winked.
We then went out separate ways for a few hours.

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