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⚠️mature content viewer discretion is advised⚠️

After 2 nights of uncomfortable sleeping, the box got mostly everyone. There was only one person it couldn't find. Mel Gonzalez.
We went back to our rooms, the ship still under lockdown.
"Marco don't peak! I'm gonna shower, I'm all musty from the past couple of days" Star said as she finished setting up her bath and begun undressing.
"I've already seen you before Star, but if you want me to I'll look away" I sat in the chair facing towards the bed. She got in the bath and closed the shower curtain
"No need to pout Marco, there's plenty of room in here if ya wanna join" Star teased.
"Don't think I won't accept your invitation" I teased back.
"You're too much of a gentleman to join me" she teased as she splashed her water.
I then gathered up all my courage and started undressing.
"Marco?" She called out to me. I drew back the curtain and got in with her.
"See Star! I'm not that much of a gentleman I'm still a misunderstood bad boy" I winked at the now shocked and blushing Star.
"I see, so you won't mind if I," Star came closer towards me and sat between my legs laying back on my chest. "Marco you're so warm."
"It's probably the bath, it's kinda burning my skin" I finally notice the burning hot water.
"Should I run some cold water?" She asked looking up towards me.
"Nah I should be fine" I patted her hair.
We both relaxed in the warm bubble bath for a while.

"You know Marco, we should do that again" Star said as we laid in bed staring at the ceiling.
"Surprisingly a extremely hot bubbled bath was actually relaxing" I kissed her forehead.
"I love you Marco" she kissed me cheek
"I love you too"
"Goodnight hun" she snuggled up closer to me
"Goodnight love"

"Star Marco! Get up the box found that one girl and- Oh my god!" Tom yelled
"Haha nice" Janna said as she tossed us some clothes.
"You guys know better than to just walk in my room" Star exclaimed.
"Last time we didn't see you naked, you had a whole feast in here" Janna said as she sat down.
"I guess you guys didn't waste anytime" Tom teased.
"We didn't even have sex!" I exclaimed
"Marco!" Star whacked me.

I looked at jannas pregnant belly.
"Hey how far along are you exactly?" I asked as we waited for star.
"About 4-5 months"
"That's about the time Mewmans and Demons-." I started
"Maybe for humans it's a bit different." Janna said
"We are seeing a human, Mewman, and a demon doctor they all get together and so far the baby seems almost ready. It's at any moment Salem could be born" Tom explained.
"Oh so you named the baby already" I said
"Yep! We agreed on a name."
"You know I proposed to Star. Without a ring," I laughed. "It wasn't even a special time."
"I'm sure it-."
Janna suddenly barfed.
"Babe! Are you okay!"
"I-I'm fine just a , I'm not having this baby yet" she laughed
"You're in pain!" I exclaimed as I helped her on a bench.
"In fine as long as I remain calm and-."
"Janna! You should've told me!" Star opened the door.
"You would've-."
"I know, and it's exactly what I'm going to do. You're off the team. It's a stressful time janna. You need to live for yourself and the baby" Star was visibly pissed.
"Star! I-."
"That's enough Janna" Star was in the mewberty form.
"Star don't do whatever you're about to do" Tom stood in front of Janna his eyes glowing and flying to match with Star.
There was a silent tension.
"Star listen! This job is the only thing that keeps my mind from scary thoughts! Please don't do this to me!" Janna pleaded.
"But I don't wanna see you get hurt or worse!" Star calmed down.
"Star this is how Janna relaxes now, she's not herself right now. Sure she does weird creepy shit but that's who she is" I called out to star.
"Fine," Star sighed "but once you start looking bad or anything you're gonna lay down somewhere"
"Aye captain" Janna hugged Star.

"We caught Mel, but she..." Jackie opened the door to the cell.
There was Mel in a with needle in her arm and a sinister smile on her face.
"Get Katrina in here"

"She's dead, time about 9:34-10:00 am. Earths poisonous chemical Cyanide to the bloodstream." Katrina pronounced her dead.
"I'll have my siblings check the room" Katrina put a tarp over the body and collected evidence.


We all sat in silence, Mel Gonzalez was in high school with me.
"What should we tell her parents?" Star put her head in her hands.
"She didn't have anyone, she grew up in a foster home. She only had a couple of close friends until she joined the crew. I only know this because I was her friend" I gave Star all the information I had on her.
"She didn't have a motive, which means she was possibly-." Jackie said.
"She was implanted in your minds. And created from clay" Glossaryck said.
"What how? And when?" I asked.
"When the witch came and you destroyed the demon. It seems she had a backup plan for the crew." Glossaryck explained.
"That was her last stab before a whole battle against us" Janna sighed, as she finished doing some witchy future telling stuff.
"I should send out an apology to the crew" Star sighed and stood up.
"We should do it all together," I grabbed her hand.

"Attention crew!" She stood on a table in the common room. Receiving glares along with looks of sorrow and worry in every direction. Star took a deep breath in.
"We are asking for your forgiveness, what we did is wrong. However, it was also to protect everyone on the ship! I will share any bit of information you want to know!" Star exclaimed.
"Tell us every thing" The barkeep, Sebastian, spoke up for everyone.
"I'll have to start from the beginning"

Everyone was in a silence, until.
"Princess Star Butterfly! I ask you if I can still help in restoring the kingdom. I may have been deemed untrustworthy but I still love you Star!" Ethan exclaimed.
"I will still fight by your side no matter what!" Katrina exclaimed
"She was just trying to protect us!"
"Please allow us to fight with and for you!" Ethan grabbed Stars hand.
"And please forgive for what I did under the influence of that poison" Ethan looked into Stars eyes.
"You're forgiven" Star said with her eyes full of tears.
Ethan pulled her into a hug.
"LETS Celebrate!" Ethan said as he grabbed My Star spun around and threw her in the air.

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