"I just- I just wanted to apologize for hitting on Star all night. I thought-."
"That we were just 'buddies'?"
"Y-yea. If I knew you guys were getting married I would've backed off" Ethan sighed.
"It's cool man, just don't be so clingy on Star"I told him. He shook his head in agreement.
"Have a nice night" I turned and started back to the room. He suddenly grabbed my arm, I turned to look at him.
"Also! can you teach me to fight like you!" Ethan exclaimed.
"I'm nothing compared to you, I wanna be stronger then I am now." Ethan said.
"Okay then, how bout we train all day tomorrow. For now im gonna head to bed. See ya at dawn."
"Dawn! But that's"
"See you at dawn" I glared at him

"Hey good morning janna, mornin Glossaryck" I awoke slowly wondering where Marco went.
"Mornin, captain" Janna said with a mouth full of Pan Dulce.
"Good morning star" Glossaryck said also eating Pan.
"What time is it?" I asked as i walked over to the sink. Trying not to step on anyone.
"About 9am? Why you ask?" Janna replied.
"How long has Marco been gone?" I questioned as I washed my face.
"Well I woke up about 7am and he wasn't there" Janna replied.
"He's been gone since dawn, now will you guys quit your yappin" Ferguson said.
"Do you know where he went?" I asked.
"With Ethan" Glossaryck said.
"Oh cool, so can I have a one?" I asked in a hush tone.
"Go for it" Janna passed me a plate.
I made some coffee to go with mine and some milk for Janna.
"Thanks Star" Janna whispered.
"No problem"
"When's the baby shower?" I remembered asking her yesterday about it.
"We agreed on today, like in the evening since we don't know when Salem is gonna come out." Janna whispered.
"Oh yea! Do you know if Salem is a boy or a girl?" I exclaimed.
"Sorry" I whispered.
"No, Tom has a paper tho. It has the baby's gender on it, he doesn't know tho." Janna explained.
"I'll steal it off him and go shopping here in a bit" I smiled.
"No need," Janna pulled the paper outta no where.
"Nicce" Glossaryck said as if he's a teenager.
"Why type of cake do you want?" I asked.
"Red velvet with strawberries!" Janna exclaimed.
"Sorry" Janna whispered.

The closest island to us was Caracole island. It was some tourist resort.
"Hopefully we can find some baby stuff here"
"I know it has a mall!" Katrina said
"Okay then, we can have lunch and then go shopping for Janna!" I exclaimed.
"And I'm going to take Janna to the attractions" Tom exclaimed.
"Don't stress her out too much" Jackie warned.
"Janna? Stressed?" Alfonzo laughed.
"Yea Janna stresses out a lot too" I said.
We all sighed.
"However! Today will not be a day to stress her! Today will be the day that she's relaxed as a- uh- SOMTHING!" Tom exclaimed
"Relaxed as a something!" We all repeated
"W-wait don't repeat that!" Tom said
"Relaxed as a Something! Relaxed as a something!" We chanted as we walked out the door.
"Dammit guys!" Tom chased after us.


"Okay okay! I'm dressed! Now why did we dock on a Tourist Trap?" I asked Tom
"I wanted to take you out, and I think we needed my supplies" I helped Janna on the deck.
"Okay, so where are we headed?" I asked
"To this cool restaurant out in the pier, don't worry though I got us a carriage." Tom pointed to the dead horse drawn carriage.
"Isn't this kinda of dangerous to be out in the open? I thought Star was just gonna portal or do magic to get party supplies" I crossed my arms as we walked over to he carriage.
"We still needed supplies, Star can't magic everything we need. Now let's go eat some lunch" Tom smiled and helped me up on the carriage.

"This is really cool! They have so much fancy food. How are you paying for all this?" I asked after we finished our pies.
"My magic money" Tom said as he said placed money on the table and helped me out of my seat.
"Okay now where to?" I asked
"Well I booked you a spa" Tom smiled as he held open the door for me.
"By myself?" I looked up to him.
"Not if ya want me there" he winked at me
"You can join" I smiled
"Thanks for allowing me the honor Queen Lucitor" Tom laughed.
"No problem King Ordonia" I said as I reached up and kissed his cheek.
"I like it where you're like this" Tom squeezed my hand lovingly as we walked
"And I like it when you're not a softy" I said.
"I wasn't a softy when I put the baby in-."
"Shut up shut up!" I yelled in embarrassment as I covered his mouth.
"You're so cute when you're embarrassed"
"Ew me and cute don't belong in the same sentence" i replied
"Yea yea miss dark and creepy, we're here" he opened the door to the spa and I walked in.
Everyone in the spa stared at me when I realized where we were.
"Janna Ordonia, still have the balls to walk in here," Jessie laughed "this time you're gonna pay!"
"Shit run!" I yelled and grabbed toms hand.
"Wait why?" He picked he up and ran.
"Janna!" Jessie yelled as him and some employees chased after me.
"I might've been here before messed with some people and then didn't pay for anything" I explained as Tom tried to lose them.
"I hate this island! There's no magic or abilities allowed" Tom exclaimed
"Says who?" I replied as I threw potions as Jessie and them.
"Janna! Do you even know what those do?"
"Nope no clue!"
"Janna! Give us what you owe!"
"No way in hell!" I laughed
"How much does she owe?" Tom asked
"1500!" Jessie yelled
"Janna that's not even that much" Tom stopped and turned to me
"So you gonna finally pay?" Jessie asked outta breathe.
"Fine, but me and my fiancé wanna use the spa" I sighed
"Do you have appointment"
"Yes! It's under Ordonia- Lucitor" Tom said with a slight blush.
"fine follow me! But no Lollygagging!" Jessie said.
"No problem Jessie old pal!" I said as I handed him money.

(Photo is definitely Janna in this fanfic)

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