
"What's happening to her!" I yelled as I put Star in my arms.
"We don't know, but last time this happened she slept for a whole 2 weeks." Janna checked stars pulse.
"She didn't use as much magic power as she did now though." Alfonzo put some device on her.
"She's sick, we need to get her to the alligator." I said.
"Alligators?" They all questioned.
"It's a well to the magic world. If I can get her there she'll be like before. An unstoppable endless Well of power." I picked her up in my arms.
"Where is it?" Janna pulled out the map of Mewni.
"it's not too far, it pops up here and there. But before I tell you we have to be rid of my demon.she's listening." I replied as I went silent.
"Can she not track the well?" Jackie asked
I shook my head.
"I'll have to make a call." Janna said.

After 20 minutes, the gate to the underworld opened and Tom popped out.
"I heard you're cursed by a demon, again?" Tom snickered
"it's too strong of a magic for me to get rid of it" Janna pouted.
Tom then took a look at me, "it actually isn't on his person. It's nachos keys. Marco... nachos isn't real, it's a demon."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"You have to slay nachos." Tom said in all seriousness.

After learning of what I'll have to do to my unreal companion, I took Star and walked to her room.
"Let him be Tom"

I held star in my arms as we sat on her bed. I felt my face heat up from the tears I held back.
"I'm sorry star. I'm so sorry" I begun to finally cry.
I held her face in my hands, "Star I love you, I don't want any harm to come to you anymore"
I closed my eyes and put my forehead against hers, there was light shining. I opened my eyes to see Hera and my cheeks glowing. moons shone on my cheek as her hearts shone on hers.
"I will help you Star. I will get you to that revival pod."
I laid Star down on her bed, i grabbed my swords and made my way to the dragon cycle stables.
By my surprise, Stars crew was there.

"Marco your cheeks" Ignoring Alfonzo and Ferguson, I drew my sword.
"You can do it Marco" Janna and Tom reassured me.
I looked into nacho's eyes. she's not the real nachos. I repeated in my head.
I adjusted my sword, and with a firm grasp I pierced the fake nachos. I suddenly remembered all the good memories I had with nachos. I knew they were too good to be true, nachos couldn't have gain so much experience in a couple days.
It screeched in agony, and begun a demon like laugh. It transformed into a small red demon, and then dissolved into dust. I felt a sudden change in myself, my cheeks were glowing a bit brighter now. I touched my cheek and thought of Star and the real Nachos.
"Its gone now Marco, you're free" tom said as he patted my shoulder.
I felt inside my pocket, nachos 'keys' have turned to dust.
"Now you can really be of help to Star without leading that witch towards us" Janna was on my other side.
"I'm free of the witch" I fell to my knees and sighed of relief. I sat for a while, I couldn't believe I was free after three years. tears streamed down my glowing cheeks once again.
I recollected my thoughts, I knew what was next.
I turned and looked to everyone
"Let's revive Star"

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