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She's there, it's been a whole year and she's there! She's finally come back!
Oh Star, your curse is the last of them. It'll last until you have that cute little baby girl of yours. And I'll be back, All you had to do was let me take over the whole multiverse! But no! You killed me in cold blood, you ripped my skull apart!
"NO that's not true! You gave me no choice!" I yelled. She disappeared into the shadows, I grabbed my sword and readied my magic
I'm right here Star, I'm in your baby.
"GO AWAY!" I jabbed at the witch.
"Star? STAR!" I heard Marco yell.
"Guards! Get a doctor!"


"The Baby is okay, Star missed any vital organs of hers. She'll have to be restrained for the remainder of her pregnancy here on earth." The doctor said.
"Thank you" I replied as sat to hold stars hand.
After hours of me staring at stars sleeping face I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey Marco, how is she?" Tom and Janna came through the door.
"She's doing okay" I sighed
"Baby!" Salem exclaimed as he waddled up to me.
"Haha I see he's walking now" I picked the little guy up and sat him on my lap.
"I didn't want to bring Salem, but he was being fussy every time I put him down" Tom said as an excuse to Janna.
"I didn't want him seeing Star like this" Janna sighed
"How's my b-fly doin?" Ponyhead entered the room with a bunch of get well soon gifts.
"I would also like to know how Queen butterfly is doing" pony heads husband asked.
"she's doing well" I replied.

We all chatted about Star and other topics for a while. Until
"Hey stars heart rate is going up" Pony head suddenly exclaimed
Star then turned into her mewberty form and tried getting out of her restraints.
"I'll get a doctor!" Tom exclaimed as he rushed out of the room
"Pony head help!" I begged as I tried to grab Star who was making the bed fly up.
"Mommy!" Salem cried.
"Hold her down!" The doctor ran into the room and jumped on the bed.
Star screamed as she slowly laid back down.
"We are going to have to preform a emergency C-Section. The baby is about 8-9 months but if needed she'll be put in a-."
"Wait what was that you gave her? Do you think she's some kinda of monster!" I grabbed the Doctor by the collar.
"Watch you you call a monster sir, she's a danger to the baby and herself. The tranquilizer is only gonna work for 15 hours." The doctor said as she pushed me away with her tail.
"Where are you from?" Pony head asked
"Mewnii. Now, all visitors must wait in the waiting area" the doctor called for nurses and Star was taken to the surgery room.
"Sorry Marco, we have to bail... Salem is-."
"It's fine... I'll see you guys soon" I replied as Tom patted my back
"Every thing is going to work out" Janna whispered as she held the sleeping Salem.
Before I knew it I was alone again.

"Mr. Díaz- Butterfly! Your wife, she has escaped. The baby however, is healthy despite the mother's attempts to-."
"AHem! Ms. Astrid please go finish your duties" the doctor interrupted
"What did Star try to do??" I yelled after the nurse
"If you want to know you- you can read in the reports." The doctor sighed and handed me a file.
"Your daughter is healthy and is waiting for you in the room." The doctor lead us towards the room from before.

I entered the room first, the baby was being fed by the nurse.
"Mr. Díaz, she won't take the bottle" the nurse handed me my daughter.
"She's beautiful Marco." I turned to see Queen moon and king River, along with my mom and dad.
"Aye mijo, the baby is so cute!" My dad began taking pictures of her.
"Dad! The flash can hurt the babies eyes!" I whispered yelled.
"Marco can I hold her?" Queen moon asked
I smiled and gave her the baby.
"What's her name my boy?" River asked
"Her name? Star and I thought her name would just come to us when she was born. But Star isn't here..." I looked at the baby.
The baby opened out her tiny hands and I gave her my finger.
"Marco! She was born just like you a head full of hair!" Mom said.
"The Johansen family genes took over!" River exclaimed as he pointed out the babies blond hair.
"Yea, but she has Marcos little mole" mom pointed out.
Stars parents and my parents began comparing the traits she inherited.
Then it came to me.
"How about Amanda" I suggested
Everyone looked at me.
"It's not our child, you get to name her" mom replied.
"Okay then Amanda Díaz"
"You're not gonna take the Butterfly name?" Queen moon asked
"Well Star-well... we have never decided how to put our names. Díaz- butterfly or Butterfly Diaz" I began rambling on.
"You know what! Díaz butterfly it is!" I then wrote it down on the birth certificate.
"Wait what if-."
"It's okay Marco! Her name is wonderful" the Queen reassured me.
"Plus you wrote it down in permanent ink so now her name is Amanda" mom said while she looked at the certificate.
"Star isn't in the magic realm" Eclipsa stated as she came through a portal.
" she isn't in the never zone either" meteora added as she entered the room
"Hi Marco! Is that my niece?" Mariposa ran in
" her name is Amanda" I replied as I handed her Amanda.
"Hey we are back" the Lucitor family entered the room. Salem was sleeping in the stroller.
"Where's star?" Janna asked
"We- we don't know" I replied
"All I know is that I'm gonna keep searching by for Star. Once I find her, Star, Amanda and I will all be one big happy family!" I announced
"Marco you're gonna make Salem wake-." WAHHWAHH
"Nice" Tom said in annoyance
Then Amanda started crying
"Nice going Marco" Janna crossed her arms.

Who knew the birth of a new princess would be such a handful for a former modern day pirate to handle.

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