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I woke up on Marco's shoulder, on the ground of the junk room.
How long was I out for?
I looked at the time, 3:20. I got up and Marco fell to the side, which of course woke him up.
"What time is it?" He asked groggily.
"Time for you to get a watch." I said as I continued to clean the room.
"Really Star, dad jokes?" Marco got up and started cleaning again as well.
"Its 3ish, why do you need to know the time anyway? It's not like you got places to be" I replied.
"only curious, Star"
I reminded silent as I got things and threw it in the junk portal.
I felt a sudden change, someone was trying to sneak up behind me. In a swift movement I drop kicked the person to the ground, pinning them.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked Marco
"Well I um- Star, I'm literally in cuffs. Besides I just wanted to...Plus if I really wanted to I would've done it last night but..."
"But what Diaz?"
"But I actually decided that I still-."
"Yo Star, there's a situation that has come up and I need you're input. Oh so you guys are Uh having a moment... I'll just get outta the way then" Janna said as she slowly backed outta the room.
"Janna, wait. What is it?" I stood up from where I was.
"Well, the Princess we were gonna save, she's here."
"How is she here?" I walked over to Janna, and begun following her, signaling Marco to follow.
"Well apparently she took a small row boat and used a pair of stolen dimensional scissors. she matches the photo P.P sent us, we don't know what to make of it" Janna reported.
"It's a trap" Marco added his input.

We went inside the mapping room, all my main crew was there. I was told Katrina was watching the Princess.
"Get me in contact with P.P, Marco go wait outside the room." I ordered.
"But I-."
Ferguson then pushed Marco out, "sorry dude, you're in the royal knights, we can't let you know anything in case you escape. You're untrustworthy"

We spent 10 minutes trying to get ahold of Ponyhead. Normally she'll answer right away.
"Get in contact with Kelly"
After ringing Kelly up she answered right away.
"H-Hello?" Her voice quavered
"Kelly! What's going on?"
"Any alliances with you are being found out, we are being taken by... her. The whole A-1 ship is being taken, the Queen and king are only puppets!" Kelly's Phone was suddenly disconnected.
We all sat in shock. Marcos ship was A-1, it's supposed to be full of the strongest knights and yet...
"Get Diaz in here"

"What's going on?" Marco asked as he was sat down in a chair.
"Spill it Diaz!" Janna exclaimed.
"Tell us everything you know about the Queen and King being puppets! Tell us about 'her'" I ordered.
Marco sighed, "If im going to explain I have to start from my beginning."
"Then tell us everything, Ferguson take note!"
"After being made into a Lieutenant, I was assigned a top secret mission that not even the king or princess knew about. There was word of a witch planning to overthrow the kingdom. what we didn't know is sending me out was what the witch wanted" Marco began.
"I think I briefly heard of the witch , I thought it was just a fairy tail." Jackie stated.
"This is witch was a being from a spell queen moon had erased from the book. The witch, originally a fairy, has the power to make your dreams come true but something allowed her free will. She placed demons on the king, queen and me." Marco continued.
"Marco, how did you get rid of the demon?" I asked fearfully.
"Why princess, he didn't. He was acting as a gps on the way here." The princess we were supposed to save came into the room dragging Katrina by her ear. Marco stood up with fear in his eyes, I pushed him behind me.
"what do you want witch." I asked as I drew my weapon.
"I want my lover back" the princess transformed into a human sized beautiful fairy. She then  levitated Marco to her.
"Marco!" I used my magic against her, knocking her back and dropping Marco on the ground.
"Marco where's the demon? Tell me so I can help you!" I asked with tears in my eyes.
"oh Princess Star, all you had to do was marry Prince Tom. Then everything would've gone as plan, now his child is going to be born into the world. Now I have to take my lover and be back in about 9 months time." The witch opened a portal,slowly walked over to Marco and I.
"You can't take him!" I went into my Mewburty form.
"Princess do you always have to make things so difficult?" The witch flew up to me:
"I'll do anything for the man I still love" I used my magic against her.
"Rainbow iron fist!" I threw punches at her, as she returned them.
I then summoned my velvet ribbons and threw her in the portal she summoned. I closed it in the process.
Tired I flew back to the ground of the mapping room.
"Star that was amazing!"
"You did great!"
"Way to show her!"
"I didn't know you got your full strength back?"
My eyes felt heavy.
"Did you get it back?"
"What's happening to her!"

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