Chapter Thirteen

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who had been patiently waiting for me to post

I'm am so freakin' sorry for the wait! I wouldn't have waited this long, but I did. So, um, yeah... *awkward moment where you attemp to rip my head off*.

Chapter Thirteen

I met Daniel and we walked quietly towards the sign that still and would always say Camp Half Blood in ancient Greek.

As we left the safe borders of the camp, Daniel grabbed my hand and we both closed out eyes, conncentarting on going to Vience Beach in Florida. A light appeared around us, starting at my necklace and Daniel's ring, slowly forming around us. The golden light was over-whelming, but we were used to it by now.

We appeared on the long dock that extended into the ocean. "Ready?" I asked as he lucked at the dark and murky water.

He nodded.

"You don't have to do this, Daniel," I said suddenly. I couldn't let my brother do this. Why had I agreed to help him?

"I have to," he said. "Please, Hanna. Understand this. No matter what you say or do, you can't stop me. I have to do this. I know I can. Just let me," he said.

I frowned at the water, "I already agreed, Daniel. I have to help you."

He nodded again and closed his eyes. The golden light can from his ring surronded him and then he was gone. I saw a slight golden light rising from a spot in the ocean. I had to admit, it gave me a bit of hope.

I looked down at my necklace, which was glowing black. Well, it should be, now, shouldn't it? I might lose a brother and black was the only real way to express that feeling.

I saw a dark light coming from the water as Daniel rose. I couldn't hear him, since he was speaking only to Olympus. On that note, I could barely see him, either.

After twenty minutes of watching him, lightning blast through the night sky and hit Daniel sqaure in the chest.

"No!" I screamed, looking at my brother. A hand on my shoulder stopped me from jumping in after him.

"Miss Goddess?" a small voice squeaked.

"Yes?" I asked, struggling to keep my voice from cracking.

"Tell Zeus this: Daniel was the one he just got rid of, not Set. Set still lurks in the unknown, plotting his attack. He will rise again in the far future. His ba is too weak to attack again at the time being. But take great warning that he will be back."

I sent this straight to Zeus. "He knows," I said calmly. I was in shock now, too. I had been able to comminacate freely. Had it been Zeus blocking my connection? Or was it... Daniel? "Thank you," I said.

The small boy bowed, his ruffled black hir hanging in his face, his brown eyes closed. Suddenly, he disappeared.

I willed myself to disappear, and a golden light flashed around me, leaving me outside of the camp. I walked in and went straight for the Big House. This was going to be hard to explain.

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