Chapter Eleven

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  • Dedicated to Olivia C.

Sorry for the four day wait. You probably wouldn't be getting this right now if it wasn't for redhawks (fanpop) and Labyrinth75 (wattpad). Don't get all mad at me! I've been busy, though it's only four days into the year. I have about three or more other stories that have to be posted today. So this could be short or long. Enough of my non-ranting-rant! Here it is! :)

Chapter Eleven

"Do we have everthing?" I asked, taking Adrian's hand.

He nodded, "I think so. If we need anything else you just," he made a weird hand gesture, but I knew what he meant, "do you're thing."

I closed my eyes and focused on the outskirts of camp. I opened my eyes just in time to catch a flash of golden light. We landed just outside the camps bounderies. I blinked a few times, my eyes re-adjusting.

"Thank gods we're here, my mom's apartment was starting to annoy me," Adrian said, grabbing his bag.

I shouldered my bag, "I know. I'm going to go put away this stuff," I pointed at the bag, "and I'll meet you at the beach around eight thirty-ish?"

"Eight thirty-ish sounds about right," he said.


I stepped into the Poseidon cabin.

Katelynne looked up, "Hey!" she smiled, "I was wondering when you'd be back."

"Well, I'm here! Just a littlw worried about you know what."

She sighed, "I've been a little freaked out myself. Okay, more than a little. This could mean the beginning of... World War III, I guess."

"I know. We're slightly screwed if we don't come up with something." I paused, my heart sinking. What if we couldn't fix this? What if something happened and Zeus and Set were blast into nothing? Thousands of questions whirled around in my mind, but none of them really had answers. Not even a plan was forming. Something hit my head... well, not literally. It felt like when I was learning to hear into minds and figure things out. I hated it. I can't do anything about it, either. The only think I could tell is that Daniel needed to see me.

I turned to walk mout the door, knowing he was in mom's cabin.

"Where are you going?" Katelynne asked.

"I have to meet Daniel. I think he might have a plan, but I'm unsure."

She looked slightly confused, "Unsure? Why would-?"

"He's simply blocking it," I lied.

"Okay. Well, I have to help Lena with some stuff, I'll see you at dinner?"

"Yeah," I said.



I walked right into the Athena cabin. The only person who was there was Daniel, who was sitting on his bed, lost in thought.

"What did you figure out?" I asked.

"A lot of things. And I might just have a plan, too."

"What is that plan, exactly?" I asked again. I listened as he explained it. My eyes widened, "No, Daniel! You'll get killed!"

"I'm a god," he said, "I can't get killed."

"You'll fade!"

"I probably will. But it's the only thing we can do. We need to start getting ready tonight. Cancel any plans you have and meet me outside of the boundaries at ten."

I nodded and walked back to my cabin, thinking. Daniel would really do that? Sacrafice himself? No, no, that's stupid... but Daniel is stupid. He's my brother, so I have to think that.

Well, this was going to be some night.

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