Twenty Four

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It's 4 in the morning and Zayn is freezing. The AC is on and he is shivering. Apparently Liam likes to sleep with the AC on and Zayn doesn't mind, but he needs his blanket. Where is his blanket though?

Zayn slowly opened just one eye to find Liam covered in his own blanket, plus Zayn's blanket. The nerve of this guy! When he's awake he is irritating Zayn. And now in his sleep too? Is he getting paid to make Zayn's life difficult or something?

Zayn tried prying away his blanket from Liam's tight grip. Why is he holding the blanket like it's made of gold? And why is his grip so tight? Bloody Hulk!

Zayn isn't trying to steal it! That blanket is rightfully Zayn's. After the first night together, they have decided they can't share a blanket. No, scratch that. They Won't share a blanket. But now what happened to that rule? How come Liam can steal his blanket and won't even let Zayn take it back? What kinda justice is this? Zayn is going to freeze to death like this!

Zayn tried once more to take the blanket away from Liam and Liam made an annoyed sound. Yeah, whatever. Zayn doesn't care if Liam is annoyed. He is annoyed too. It's 4 in the morning and he should not be up debating whether he should just snatch the blanket right back or be gentle. They have haldi in the morning and he will have to get up at like 7. Honestly why can't they do it at night?!

Zayn sighs and grabs the blanket and tries pulling it only for Liam to groan and pull the blanket back and-

Boom! Zayn is on top of Liam. His upper body is lying on Liam's chest and his face inches away from Liam's and-

Zayn Malik-Payne has stopped working. He is staring at Liam before he realizes what he is doing and because he has a great amount of trust in himself, he slowly tries to move away. Blanket be damned, he will die out of cold and that's okay. But he can't die because of the proximity he has with Liam. That would be embarrassing.

Has God ever been on Zayn's side? No. Because at the exact moment Zayn tried to move away Liam slowly opens his eyes and looks at Zayn. He was all set to apologize and beg Liam not to scream when he realized Liam is in his sleepy daze and he doesn't realise much because-

Liam pulled Zayn to his side, pulled the blanket over both of them and slept spooning Zayn!

And suddenly sleep is a foreign concept for Zayn. Zayn simultaneously wants to disappear because his heart is beating so fast, so loud, he is sure Liam would feel it and he wants to be offended that he's being spooned. Zayn is supposed to be the big spoon and Liam is acting like a big spoon. How rude!

But Zayn really hasn't got much sense left in him to have an "I'm supposed to be the big spoon here" argument in his head. All he can do is count his own heartbeats until he falls asleep because he has forgotten all about Mississippi.

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Zayn got two surprises in the morning.

One - how the hell did he wake up first? Isn't it Liam's job to wake up first and make noises that wakes him up?

But thank God he woke up first because,

Two - he is spooning Liam! He doesn't remember switching positions in sleep. But they must have, because now it's Liam being the little spoon - and he really is all bundled up, cocooned in the soft white blanket - and Zayn has got his arm around Liam's stomach and his chin is on Liam's shoulder. It's like they're glued together.

And Zayn isn't surprised that he likes it. He is just surprised that he is not surprised that he likes this proximity with Liam. Has Liam always been this cuddly? He could be Zayn's personal teddy bear.

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