"Do you have to go?"
This was the third time Roo was asking the same question. Zayn and Liam have finally decided to move out and have a place of their own and even though Roo was excited to see her ship sail, she did not want them to leave the Payne household.
"Roo.. Should I remind you, once again, that this was your idea?"
Liam said bubble wrapping the coffee mugs they got as moving out gifts from Zileh. It said "Leeyum" on his cup and "Zaladdin" on Zayn's cup. He said it was cringe and they're never going to drink from the cup, instead he was going to keep it on the table, just a decor.
Like mother, like son. Geoff joked getting a pinch from Kareena. Well, who would drink coffee in such beautiful mugs? Those are for show! British people would never understand Indian sentiment.
"Well.. That was back then. When both of you were fighting over who would leave the house. But then you guys stayed here, and I'm so used to seeing you around.."
Roo pouted making Zayn go "aww." Roo says that whenever Liam or Zayn does or says something she considers cute, and now it has become a habit for Zayn too. Just yesterday Liam once again cried watching the Toy Story climax and he said "aww." Good thing he had the sense to duck before Liam threw the remote at him. And if that turned into them wrestling on the couch which turned into a heated make out session, no one has to know.
"You can always come visit us. We are just ten or so houses away. You were the one who chose Mr and Mrs Shah's house for us."
Roo shrugged not knowing what to say. Well yeah, she's going to visit every now and then. How is she going to get updates on Ziam then!?
"Can I stay over as well?"
Zayn shook his head. Did she even have to ask?
"We literally have a room decorated for you with everything you're obsessed with. Including BTS posters. And you're asking this question?"
Zayn expected her to jump up and down in joy and sprain her ankle like she did two weeks ago when she accidentally walked in on him and Liam kissing. Normal sisters would get embarrassed if they walked in on their brother and brother-in-law. But Roo? Once she calmed down, she took her phone out and said "I didn't record it, can you do it once more? And who initiated by the way?"
Zileh had to drag her away from there before Li was going to faint with all the blood rush and Zileh? She came back a few minutes later and said "why did you guys stop? I was going to accidentally walk in as well! Not fair!"
Guess that's the day Zayn and Liam decided it was time to move out. And thankfully the house was still on sale and nobody had registered it.
What Zayn did not expect for Roo to do was burst into tears right there hugging him.
"I'm going to miss you a lot Jeeju!"
Zayn held back his tears. He can't watch when others cry, and definitely not Roo.
"Yeah, of course. I'm your brother who lived with you for 16 years but go off."
Roo chuckled while still hugging Zayn.
"Jeeju is rubbing off on you."

Enna Sona [Ziam]
FanfictionWhen the Maliks and Paynes decided for their Son and Daughter to join their families through marriage, Zayn and Liam did not see this coming... Just another Ziam marriage fic... But with a desi twist!